Here’s a short interview I did for last week.
Q: How did you get started with bodybuilding?
A: Think I was around 16. Always wanted to be lean and strong. Started going to the gym with my buddies, using some haphazard Flex-magazine-inspired bullshit-routine. But it was fun and I enjoyed it.
Q: Where does your motivation come from?
A: First of all, I was fat as hell and I thought bodybuilding was going to magically unfatten me (which it didn’t). Second of all, I was fascinated by strength. Lifting big things just sounded very appealing to me. I wanted to be strong. A friend of the family was a lumberjack. Never went to the gym a day in his life, but was strong as an ox and there where various stories floating around about him. How he once lifted a log two guys were struggling with to get off the ground, stuff like […]
Original post by (Martin Berkhan)
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