Originally Posted At: https://breakingmuscle.com/feed/rss
Week 1, Day 1
Downward Dog
Upward Dog
Table Top
Cat Cow
Undulations U-D ht db Upper Back during all reps
Downward Dog
Upward Dog
Table TOP
Cat Cow
Repeat 3x
Childs Pose
Upward Dog
Downward Dog
Table TOP
Cat Cow
Undulations U-D ht db Upper Back during all reps
Childs Pose
Upward Dog
Downward Dog
Table TOP
Cat Cow
Repeat 3x
The Creative Movement workout is a compilation of dance movement, bellydance, barre, pilates, kettlebells, and yoga. This workout will move through various types of programming for levels beginner to advanced. The goal of the workout is to gain a technical foundation of dance movement, increase fluidity and flexibility, increase overall body strength, and explore your body through various mediums.
This cycle of this workout series is a beginner dance core workout that fuses yoga, bellydance, and bodyweight exercise into one fun and inspiring class. There are two workouts per week to be done on any two non-consecutive days.
Post your results, comments, and questions to the Breaking Muscle forum.
Filed under: Fitness