Welcome to the Great Debates, where we consider the greatest nutritional controversies of our time. Our goal isn’t to tell you what to think or do, but rather to present both sides of hot-button issues, like coffee (is it good for you?) and breakfast (the most important meal of the day?). What’s being said? Who’s saying it? Then it’s up to you to make your own decisions.
Breakfast — the cornerstone of a healthy diet, or optional morning meal? For generations, we have been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast jump-starts your metabolism! Breakfast improves academic performance! Breakfast is the key to weight loss! Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper, the saying goes.
Except that newer research suggests … maybe none of that is true? It’s not that more recent findings showed that breakfast is bad; just that maybe breakfast is fine. But can it be true that the morning meal offers no morning-meal-specific magic?
Like certain bran cereals served without milk, this unsettling revelation is hard to swallow, especially for those of us who have spent a lifetime choking down whole-grain toast at 7 a.m. And so, in the spirit of scientific inquiry, let us examine the evidence.
Filed under: Fitness