p style=”text-align: center;”img class=”aligncenter” title=”The Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2009/primal_30day_challenge-1.gif” alt=”primal 30day challenge 1″ width=”320″ height=”240″ //p
pIf you want to lose weight, gain muscle, reduce stress, increase energy or just generally look and feel healthier you#8217;ve come to the right place. Oh, and you can win lots of cool Primal gear, too. That#8217;s right, it#8217;s the annual Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge!/p
pBefore we get to the specifics of the challenge, today#8217;s contest:/p
pspan id=”more-22970″/span/p
h2Today#8217;s Contest/h2
pstrongThe first contest of this 30-Day Primal Blueprint Challenge is a two-parter:/strong/p
liFollow me on a title=”Twitter: Mark Sisson” href=”http://twitter.com/#!/Mark_Sisson” target=”_blank”Twitter/a./li
liRetweet my most recent tweet: #8220;The Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge begins today! Get in the best shape of your life and win cool prizes along the way.#8221; (If to you #8220;Retweet#8221; sounds like something an annoying bird does each morning, see a title=”How to Retweet” href=”http://support.twitter.com/entries/77606-what-is-retweet-rt” target=”_blank”this/a.)/li
pYour retweet will enter you to win the prize below emand/em help spread […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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