
Call it Intermittent Fasting (IF), alternate day fasting, 5:2 Diet, 4:3 Diet, 18-hour Diet, Every Other Day Diet, Fast Diet or Starvation Diet, but going without food for a period of time each week continues to gain attention in the scientific community. Classic animal studies linking calorie restriction to longevity have suggested protection against obesity, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and reduced metabolic risk factors associated with cancer while improving markers of cardiovascular aging (1). Long-term daily caloric restriction is difficult to maintain in humans as it often induces weight re-gain and non-compliance.

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Intermittent Fasting: Diet Craze or Letigimate Science? | Eat Right …

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Intermittent fasting (IF) has become the latest diet fad and the subject of several books. IF diets purportedly accelerate fat loss and some proponents go so far as to claim you can build muscle while fasting. Trouble is, in addition to losing fat, a study by Wilson et al (1) shows that you could also be losing muscle, or at the very least, not building muscle.Most IF plans tout the benefits of fasted weight training. Some suggest 10 g of BCAA during training. But according to the study, consuming leucine (BCAA) without ample carbohydrate present prevented protein synthesis

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T NATION | Intermittent Fasting Kills Muscle

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“Fat” is Not a Feeling 14 Comments Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 “I feel FAT.”  Three words.  Three words that carry a lot of ‘weight’. ‘Heavy’ words that you hear, say, or think every day, or every 15 minutes in some cases. You may go to bed at night feeling totally awesome and wake up the next day feeling FAT.

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“Fat” is Not a Feeling – Robb Wolf

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Many people are quick to chalk up their metabolism to genetics, claiming that no matter what they do, it cannot be changed. This gives a seemingly acceptable excuse for weight loss struggles, food intake, and energy levels. What exactly is the body’s metabolism and can it be altered?

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Ashland University Dietetics Program News: Metabolism Mysteries …

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Did you also go totally over the top with food and drinks during the holiday season? Many people did and then made a new years resolution to clean up their life style. The ambition to lose weight, stop smoking and drinking, start running and become the Mr or Ms Beach of the Year is as high as Mount Everest. At least until around now, mid-Jan, when reality hits and getting up earlier to prepare a healthy breakfast or getting out the door for a long walk or hitting the gym suddenly seems harder than climbing Mount Everest. Suddenly the extra time people found in the first half of January is gone again and before we’re into February most people are back to old habits.Any surprises here

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Lose weight and have more energy with intermittent fasting …

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Via & Author Mark D. StephensonNow a new method of training called suspension training can be used for those facing a lack of proper training facilities. Suspension training was re-introduced as a method of training by former navy SEAL Randy Hetrick who was responsible for the physical fitness of his team members. Deployed soldiers do not necessarily have weight training facilities and often have to resort to implement training for resistance. Looking for ways to maintain his and his team’s operational readiness, Randy utilized parachute cords and materials thathe looped over elevated beams to increase resistance for rows and presses using only body weight and gravity, thus suspension training was born.

Excerpt from: 

The Rebirth of Suspension Training | Performance Course

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I made up this workout a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Each exercises incorporates multiple muscle groups so you get the most bang for your buck. I stuck some jump roping cardio intervals in there and voila—awesome 30-minute full-body workout.But before we get to the sweaty details, I just want to draw your attention to my sneakers (you may recognize them from last week’s workout post). The awesome folks over at Off Broadway Shoes gave me a gift card so that I could pick out a pair, and when I saw these Puma kicks, it was game over

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Dynamic Tabata Workout with Cardio Intervals – Pumps & Iron

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Intermittent fasting gains favor as a way to lose weight and see health benefits. But some call for better studies before jumping on the IF bandwagon.It’s a real heavyweight on the diet scene these days: intermittent fasting, a.k.a. IF (having ascended to heights where mere initials are enough).

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The Therapeutic Resources Blog: Intermittent fasting, or IF, gains …

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Doral, FL, United States of America – January 11th, 2014EmailPrintAccording to industry statistics, about 1/3 of all adults are over weight, spending over $150 billion in medical care associated with obesity related illnesses. Furthermore, over $160 million has been spent this year alone by Americans looking to lose weight on programs and weight loss products. Hoping to stop the endless cycle, Kerry, spokesperson for announced they are now offering the new express diet showing consumers how to lose weight at home.Says the site’s spokesperson, “Many believe you have to be on a diet for months even a full year to lose weight, but they are wrong.

Taken from: introduces intermittent fasting for …

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Loading …Variety is the spice of life. This saying definitely applies to effective exercise…and High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, has variety in spades! I believe finding a good workout balance is key, and a HIIT workout with a customizable mix of cardio, resistance training and stretching might help you meet your fitness goals.Today, I want to talk about spicing up your workout routine by adding in High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.

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High Intensity Interval Training – Discover Good Nutrition

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