
If you’ve been following along the past couple of weeks, you’ll remember that we’re well on our way to detailing the steps to successfully burn fat. To make it easier to follow, I’ve broken the steps up into an easy-to-remember acronym: SPRING.The SPRING acronym has been covered in several different posts, starting with a post on the Science of weight loss, which reminded us that 3,500 calories burned equals one pound of weight loss. In my last post, I discussed the P or the Physician approval portion of starting a new exercise routine, and also the R, or the goal of Raising your heart rate with cardiovascular exercise.Today, I want to take that a step further and talk about the I and the N of SPRING:I – Interval TrainingThe other type of cardiovascular exercise is called interval training or HIIT, high intensity interval training. This type of exercise combines a period of high intensity effort with periods of lower intensity effort.

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How to HIIT and Lose Weight – The HealthPlus Difference

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Leangains Bodybuilding Intermittent Fasting StopeatJune 2nd, 2013Leangains bodybuilding intermittent fasting. Leangains bodybuilding intermittent fasting. Lose fat Without Skipping meals Along the way Weight loss is one area that many people battle with, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Experts advise developing a healthy eating plan and sticking to a focused exercise routine. Figuring out the best way to add all of this into our lives may be the challenging part.


Leangains Bodybuilding Intermittent Fasting Stopeat

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Margaret Thatcher ‘s death yesterday is in reality a ten minutes news story, followed by an hour’s biography at some point. Instead we’ve had all-channels saturation coverage, which continues as I write. It’s almost enough to drive one to Frasier re-runs.Here’s the eight month intermittent fasting story. As a rule, Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to the gym for a one-hour workout and then just have a light lunch c. 500 calories

Taken from: 

Wading Through Treacle: Intermittent fasting: month 8

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? Like < / > Click here to embed this graphic on your website The hottest trend of the past few years, Intermittent Fasting proves that one can burn fat while building muscle (or get very close to it)! This infographic breaks down the benefits and the six most popular fasting regimens. Remember, the best regimen for you is the one that works!

See more here:

Intermittent Fasting Basics |

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