
Workouts | Oct 03, 2014Your 10 Biggest Fitness Class Mistakes Avoid these fitness faux pas to ensure you’ll see results more quickly—and safely You know the all-important fitness “rules”: Be on time and no chitchatting during class. But there are other considerations to keep in mind too. Here, the country’s top instructors share their tips. 1 of 10HIIT/TabataGetty ImagesDon’t: Skimp on recoveryWith high-intensity interval training all the buzz, many exercisers mistakenly believe that more is better, and that extra reps during the recovery portions of the workout will help you see better results, says Shannon Fable, award-winning group fitness instructor and director of exercise programming for Anytime Fitness Corporate in Boulder, CO


HIIT and Tabata – Workout Routines: Mistakes at Spinning Class …

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High-Powered HIIT Playlistby Chelsea GancYou don’t want to miss the boat on this one! Our latest HIIT workout playlist pairs perfectly with a metabolism-revving rowing workout (or other cardio exercises)! Kick off your half-hour cardio sesh on the oft-overlooked rowing machine with a motivational anthem from Britney Spears, followed by six energizing songs between 140 and 160 beats per minute to help you get a good rhythm going.Alternate rowing (or your cardio of choice) at a high intensity with 90-seconds of sculpting moves until Coldplay comes on, in a catchy, little-known mashup by Swedish House Mafia.


High-Powered HIIT Playlist – Be Fit, Stay Fit Blog – Leisure Fitness

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