I don’t eat breakfast, I workout on a “empty” stomach, and my first meal starts around 2pm — would you believe I’m trying to gain muscle?Growing up, I rarely ate breakfast, much to the dismay of… well, everyone. You see, it’s generally accepted that eating a balanced breakfast is a staple of a healthy diet and, more importantly, crucial in nailing standardized tests. As I grew older and wiser, a big, tasty breakfast became a key in my diet and eventual weight gain.Once I hit the weight I wanted to maintain, however, I started looking for ways to improve my body composition without sacrificing strength gains and too much thinking.Enter the Leangains DietThe Leangains Diet, created by Martin Berkhan, is an intermittent fasting protocol that uses a 16-hour fast and a 8-hour feeding window that ideally begins after your workout.
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Kill Breakfast | Anthony J. Yeung | Live Life. Live Healthy.