
Most of the time when you think of a workout on the road it involves body weight strength training or some low intensity cardio.  It usually does not match the training goal you have for that time because you do not have the necessary equipment to stay on track.Wouldn’t it be great to have a workout that allows you to hit upper body strength, cardio, and lower body strength using a resistance that would provide a maximal challenge?How about a workout that lets you work on your speed, agility and explosiveness?What about a travel band workout that crushes you metabolically?The following Band Workout will hit any of these 3 depending on how you want to program it.Strength Training using 20-10 x 12 sets – Alternating between 2 or 4 exercisesMetabolic training using 45-15 x 12 sets – Alternating between 2 or 4 exercisesPower Training using 10 – 5 x 6 sets of the same exerciseLet’s make sure you have what you need for your band workout.Time to hit knock out your band workoutFinal thoughts Getting BETTER with BANDS Dave Band Workout Accessories Here


Band workout for travelers and more – Resistance Band Training

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How to Set Up a Metabolic Resistance Training Program Schedule Nov 11, 2013 in Weight Training Discover the most unique bodyweight exercises with this new bodyweight training 4-week program packed full of metabolic bodywe…weight training tipsRelated Products:Strength Training Anatomy, 3rd EditionWith new exercises, additional stretches, and more of Frédéric Delavier’s signature illustrations, you’ll gain a whole new understanding of how muscles perform during strength exercises. This one-of-a-kind best-seller combines the visual detail of top anatomy texts with the best of strength training advice. Many books explain what muscles are used during exercise, but no other resource brings the anatomy to life like Strength Training Anatomy.

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How to Set Up a Metabolic Resistance Training Program Schedule …

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Of the Top 20 Worldwide Fitness Trends for 2010, “Strength Training” holds the second highest ranking spot, and has held a top 10 position in each of the past 4 years. It is an important part of an exercise program if you plan to maintain strength as you age, increase your resting metabolic rate (burn more calories while at rest) and enhance the body’s natural ability to burn stored fat. Strength training is a predominate theme at many health clubs these days right along with the cardio machines that offer an aerobic workout for maintaining overall health. National guidelines recommend that we get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week or 20 minutes of intense physical activity three times a week to maintain fitness. Weight training or resistance training should be included at least twice a week to maintain and strengthen muscles.Research suggests that on average, the adults that do not incorporate strength training and exercise in their daily routine, will lose about 4 to 6 lbs of muscle tissue per decade as they get older. Why is that significant? Because your body works to maintain that muscle mass by using up about 5 calories of energy per day for each pound of muscle mass it carries  (even if you are fairly sedentary)

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The benefits of strength training – SheTaxi

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Eat clean and lift heavy.If there’s one constant thing we say across Nerd Fitness, it’s that if you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or just look better than ever for an upcoming event, the one thing you must absolutely do is eat clean and lift heavy.But what exactly does that mean?  And how do you get started? And why does this work so darn well? We’ve touched on it a few times before, gone over your diet, and shown you some people it’s worked for, but we haven’t really gone into great detail.Today that changes.This is the first in a series of articles from NF Team Member Staci, covering all things strength training. Today we’ll be covering the basics before we tackle each movement in more detail.Note: If you’re new to fitness, this series might be information overload.


Strength Training 101 | Nerd Fitness

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