
18Apr/130Workout of the week LEGS + HIITThis weeks workout of the week is LEGS.  I did this workout on Tuesday and my legs are still feeling it today.  If you skip leg day you are missing out on total body growth.  I’ll admit in my first several years of lifting I never really hit legs with the correct intensity and all out mentality that leg day takes in order to achieve maximum results.  It really wasn’t up until the past two years that I really started training them correctly and I’ve noticed change and development rather quickly since doing so.  For a while I split up my quads and hamstrings by training one at the start of the week and the other at the end.  For the past year I’ve kept it to once a week and sometimes my leg sessions will last over two hours long.  Talk about feeling completely out of it and drained for the entire next day   So one of my goals has been to improve my squat.  I’ve had to deal with minor aches, pains and injuries including IT Band pain, hip pain, and knee issues.  For the past month or so though my lower body has been feeling good (knock on wood) and my squats have been improving almost weekly.  This was the first time since probably in my early 20’s when I weighed 255lb that I got under 405lb.  These are no quarter bullshit half reps either.  I go slightly under parallel to the floor (at 6’3 anything lower feels like a danger zone).  On that last set of squats I went from 405lb for 1 rep directly into a dropset with 315lb for 10.  I had to lye on the floor after that one since my whole world felt pretty loopy.  There was even a guy at the gym that came over to me to make sure I was alright lol.  So I hope you guys enjoy the pain and challenge of this workout and make sure to NEVER SKIP LEG DAY! Until next time train like a champion and RISE ABOVE!5 min warm up on bikeSquats – bar x 10, 95lbx10, 135lb x 5, 225lbx 5, 275lbx 5, 315lbx 4, 335lbx 4, 365lbx 2, 405lbx1 then drop 315lb x10 , then drop 225lbx 10, then drop 135lbx 20 Lying leg curl – 4×15,12,10,10 plus rest pause for 2 reps twice Lunges – 3×20 total steps, 80lb, 100lb, 120lb Leg press – 8 plates x 15, 10plates x 15, 12plates x 15, 14 plates x 15, 16plates x 12 Tri set (exercises done back to back with no rest)Leg ext – 3×15 plus 2 drops on last setSeated leg curl – 3×15 (pause for 2 seconds at contractionLeg press machine calve raise – 4×15 Seated leg curl – 3×15 Stair climber 10 rounds of 30sec all out sprint Tagged as: calve, gym, hams, hamstring, hamstrings, hiit, leg, leg press, legs, quad, quads, rest, sprint, stair climber, training, tyler mcpeak champion performance, workoutLeave a comment


Workout of the week LEGS + HIIT – Tyler McPeak

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Intermittent fasting, or any fasting for that matter, is a tool.For most, it’s a tool that is used to reduce body fat.So in that sense, people use intermittent fasting for the purpose of losing weight, and more importantly for losing body fat.At this level, they are ‘purposefully fasting’, which is fantastic, however it is not my ultimate goal for you to take away from Eat Stop Eat.Learning that fasting can cause weight loss is one thing (and it is a great thing), but there’s another approach to fasting, and that is fasting WITHOUT purpose.This is my ultimate goal with Eat Stop Eat – to help you reach a point where you are no longer fasting to lose weight, but are fasting because you’ve realized that you really don’t need to eat at that time.In other words, I want you to progress from occasionally ‘fasting’ to occasionally ‘not eating’.That’s it.Accomplish that, learn to not eat when you don’t need to eat, and you don’t need any more weight loss or diet information. You no longer need to surf the internet looking for diet information, or new tricks to help you lose fat. Because in my opinion you’ve transcended this type of desperate approach to weight loss.If you can do this then I think you’ve reached what I consider to be the highest level of eating. You eat when you feel you need to eat, and you enjoy that eating. When you don’t feel like eating, you recognize that you don’t HAVE to, and therefore, you don’t eat.Sounds simple, but consider that the science of nutrition is becoming more and more complex everyday yet it still hasn’t really moved us any closer to understanding ‘HOW’ we should eat.So for me, this is the ‘HOW’.  And it’s what I want for you – Understanding that it’s OK not to eat at the times you don’t feel like eating and that it is also OK to eat when you feel like eating.BPPS – I still fast for 24 hours once or twice a week, but I also practice the idea of ‘not eating’ when I’m not purposefully fasting. Tagged as: Brad Pilon, intermittent fasting, weight loss tools

Taken from: 

Beyond Intermittent fasting | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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