My Best Ever Workout Advice

In keeping with my December theme of sharing my list of “Best Evers” with you, I’d like to share some ‘Best Evers’ that have really helped me with my workouts.
The first is a technique, the second is advice.
The technique I want to share with you is the hook grip.
If you are a big-time dead lifter then you most likely use an overhand/underhand grip when the weights start to get heavy.
I was the exact same way.
Any time I attempted a dead lift above 400 pounds, I moved to an over-under grip. I did my best to make sure I evened this out each set (left hand over, right hand under, followed by right hand over, left hand under).
After years of dead lifting using this grip I had developed chronic lower back pain, and a NOTICEABLY more developed right erector muscle and right trapezius muscle.
(Noticeable to the point that every time […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Weight Loss Goals

As we approach Jan 1 2009 (Far, far too quickly in my mind), I think its best we took a second to consider our weight loss resolutions.
I’m all for goals. I think they’re great, and an INTEGRAL part of success, but it is important that we KEEP IT REAL.
Take the picture below. Same pic, just pre- and post- photoshop work. (I think the original photo is from
This kind of work is standard in almost all magazines, and movies (ESPECIALLY the new trend of etching in guys abs in action movies…).
So when you are setting your goals, hopes and dreams for 2009 remember, if you want to look like Jessica Alba in 2009, then focus your attention to the gorgeous woman on the left, not the barbi-doll on the right.
BPPS- if this photo turns out to be a fake, the message still stands. Stay realistic in 2009.

Original post by Brad Pilon

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December is a month for giving and sharing, and this entire month I am going to share with you my personal list of “BESTS”…
I only know of 3 people who I consider to be truly successful in business.
None of them became successful by taking shortcuts. None of them were the “right place, right time” stroke of luck success story either.
In fact, they all became successful the EXACT same way.
They used the EXACT same method that worked for me in my life, and its the EXACT same method that will work for you no matter what you goal is.
All 3 people had to move outside of their comfort zone in order to become successful.
I had the same thing happen to me…twice.
The first time was when I was in my third year at university. Back then my goal was to bench 300 pounds. Both my workout partner and I were mid-200 benchers […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Weight Loss and Happiness

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
This quote is used so often in the weight loss industry it has almost become cliche (plus I find it very confusing), so here is one that I find much more valuable.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
This quote is from Albert Einstein, and I think it can be used to describe our current obesity crisis very nicely.
To put it bluntly, if we try to use the nutrition and diet recommendations that caused our obesity problems as a way to FIX our obesity problems, we’re doomed for failure.
If you are happy with your current routine and you are happy with the way it makes you look and feel then you do not need to change your program. IT IS WORKING.
However, if you find your current […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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I received this great question over the weekend that I thought you might find it interesting –
My question for you is, even though weight training is a primo form of resistance training, do you exclusively recommend the use of weight training with Eat Stop Eat?
This was my answer –
With Eat Stop Eat ANY FORM of resistance training will do. I realize that when most people hear ‘resistance training’ they automatically think ‘weight training’ however, resistance can mean so much more than simply weights.
Really, it should be called something more vague, like muscle-stress training, since what we are really trying to accomplish is adding an acute stress to the muscle. Isometrics, weight training, contact sports (think a football line or a wrestling match), and body weight exercises (gymnastics) ALL accomplish this.
Even with weight training there is still a lot of variety with what you can do and use to stress your […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Weight Loss Irony

When I saw this, I couldn’t help but get out my video camera and shoot a quick video for you.
I thought of just telling you about it, but it sounds too unbelievable to be true.
I thought about just taking pictures,but I’m sure someone would claim it was photoshopped.
So I went with a video.
If you’ve ever wondered why some people find it so hard to stick with a diet, or why people who go to a gym or weight loss center still have problems losing weight, look no further then the awesome weight loss irony of marketing and product placement.
See the video below…

If you see any examples of weight loss irony in your neighborhood, shoot a video or take a photo of it…who knows, maybe we can start a brand new blog on the topic.

Original post by Brad Pilon

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