It looks like my prediction of a American Soda Tax may soon come true.
According to ABC News, “several of the nation’s leading health experts are calling for a tax on soda as a means of curbing America’s obesity-epidemic”.
But wait, here’s the good part:
Their paper, appearing in the most recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, calls for a tax on “sugar-sweetened” drinks in order to reduce the consumption of the drinks and lower health costs as well as fund government-run health programs.
“A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages is really a double-win,” said Dr. David Ludwig, a co-author of the paper and director of the Optimal Weight for Life program at Children’s Hospital, Boston.
“We can raise much-needed dollars while likely reducing obesity prevalence, which is a major driver of health care costs, the paper states.
“Ultimately the government needs to raise more money to cover the deficit, […]
Original post by DR