The transformation of the Healthy Irishman (and bro) continues

Todays workout is a HIIT session
Tomorrows workout is a resistance training session

And theyre both going to be nasty workouts

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Original post by healthhabits

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Sesame Street has joined the battle against childhood obesity.
First, it was Grover getting into the gym and pumping some iron.
Then, it was the Cookie Monster kicking his cookie addiction and switching to a diet heavy on fruits and vegetables.
Things were looking good in this battle between fit and fat.
Unfortunately, not everyone believed in the cause. There were traitors amongst us….

Cookie Monster Defends His Honor Vs. Colbert – Watch more Videos at Vodpod.
But luckily, for every Stephen Colbert, there is a Michelle Obama, willing to stand up against video games and Twinkies and Big Gulps.
On this weeks 40th anniversary show, First Lady Michelle Obama helped a group of children plant a vegetable garden on Sesame Street.

And just like those vegetable seeds will eventually take root and grow into mature plants, let’s hope that the message of eating healthy and exercising daily will take root in the minds of a new generation […]

Original post by healthhabits

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Abs in a Box

Just more proof that you can’t trust what you see.
Of course, since this is an ad, the fake abs may themselves be faked via photoshop…so this could be a case of faked fakes.
I found this very fitting considering our recent discussion of Hollywood body idolization, and because I still think much of the muscle and tone we see in movies is a result of a combi
nation of dedication in the gym, a good diet of fruits and vegetables, video editing, makeup, and lighting.
PS – If you really want abs, read this ==> My truth about 6 pack abs

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Original post by Brad Pilon

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Yesterday, I outlined the Irishman’s transformation.
Today, I will post Workout #1….feel free to try it out for yourself

Goblet Squat (DB) x 8 reps
Push-Up x 8 reps
Body Weight Row x 8 reps
Shuffle Lunge x 30 reps
Ab Wheel Roll-Outs x 8 reps
DB Swings x 20 reps
Hip Flexor Stretch x 8 reps

Repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes (no rest between exercises – 30 sec. rest between supersets)
Note – You NEED to get through this at least 3 times in 10 min.
By the end of the 10 min. warm-up, the Irishman should be sweating hard and gasping for breath.
Superset #1

Alternate between exercise #1 and #2  for 10 minutes
No rest between sets

Exercise # 1

Goblet Squat

Choose a weight that would allow you to perform 20 quality reps (doesn’t have to be exact, weight selection will improve with experience)
Perform a maximum of 10 reps per set (at first, this will seem very easy..don’t worry, […]

Original post by healthhabits

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Clearly, we eat not just to fill our stomachs but to satisfy a whole host of biochemical drives. The brain is built to incentivize our efforts not just with the quieting of hunger pangs but the kick-starting of an intricate hormonal “reward” system. When it comes to diet, I’ve always said what nurtures the body nurtures the brain. The proof is in the biochemical picture. And while I wholeheartedly believe that we each choose what we eat and how we treat our bodies, there’s something to the science that shows addictive properties in junk food. I occasionally get emails on this topic. Here’s a timely one from last week.

Dear Mark,
I’m wondering if you believe in junk food addiction. I’m very new to the Primal Blueprint diet and have been having some serious issues. I feel like it’s one step forward two steps back some days. For instance, I fell […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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This site looks like quite the place and for my first article, I figured I’d share a startling discovery I came across recently. This has resonated with a lot of people (specially my customers after they read it) and hopefully it kicks you in the right direction and/or helps you get started.
So, I was looking through my past emails a few days ago from customers, and it became blindly obvious why some succeeded and others just couldn’t seem to hit the mark (keep in mind all of these people received the exact same information). See It’s not that they couldn’t. It’s that they won’t! And that’s the truth.
Why? I duno… it’s beyond me. Could be because they don’t want it bad enough. Could be that they don’t want to put in the work… whatever. But after a few emails back and forth, all I heard was excuses. If they instead […]

Original post by (FitJerk)

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If you’ve read my article on how to beat the sugar addiction, then you already know I’m not a fan of processed sugar. But on the heels of the American Heart Association finally releasing a statement advising people against having an increased sugar intake, another frightening research article has come out concerning sugar. This time, about worms.
From Science Daily:
“By adding just a small amount of glucose to C. elegans usual fare of straight bacteria, they found the worms lose about 20 percent of their usual life span. They trace the effect to insulin signals, which can block other life-extending molecular players.”
My Comments: This is a pretty scary finding. Worms with added glucose (sugar) in their diet lost 20 percent of their usual life span. That is a huge effect. You could point out that the findings are in worms, and not in humans, and you’d be correct, but the researchers […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program 
Combat Core Strength: Advanced Torso Training for Explosive Strength and Power

Back with more news for you today. It’s amazing how much good information there is on this stuff out there if you know where to look. Three in particular that I found really valuable were…
This week in MMA
If last week was a slow week in mixed martial arts with just one event, then this week was even slower inside the cage. …  Read More…
Mixed martial arts arrives in Maryland
(Enlarge) The first legal mixed martial arts tournament in Maryland on Oct. 24 will feature James “Binky†Jones, of Nottingham, right, …  Read More…
Dana White Unhappy […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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The other day on my blog, I introduced you to the Healthy Irishman and his plans to transform his body. Here is a link to that post.
Today, I will be outlining his program.

The client want to add approx. 10 lbs of lean muscle.
Improve definition.
Improve fitness
Doesn’t want to look like a bodybuilder…more like LL Cool J or Jason Statham

This program is designed to:

provide maximum hypertrophy stimulus, while
supercharging anaerobic fitness and overall athleticism

In short, this program is going to make the Irishman bigger, stronger, faster, more flexible and hopefully reverse some of his dysfunction in his left shoulder.
Unlike most programs, the warm-up doesn’t just get the Irishman ready for the workout, it is part of the workout.
I have designed two separate warm-ups that he will perform on alternate days.
Each warm-up is designed to dynamically stretch his joints, increase muscle temperature & elasticity, prime his anaerobic energy system as […]

Original post by healthhabits

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There are a few general concepts about fitness that you have to really have a handle on before you can really get into great shape. By getting into great shape, I mean getting strong, fast, lean and muscular. First let me tell you the first steps you have to take in order to start reaching your goals:
1) Believe you can do it. If you don’t tell yourself that you WILL accomplish your goals, and you will get into great shape, then you won’t. The first obstacle you have to conquer to reach your goals is yourself.
2) Know the steps to reach your goals. When I was a teenager, I used to do pull ups all the time to get a great chest. I could never understand that despite being able to do more and more, nothing was happening. That was until one day someone pointed out that my upper back […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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