Workout Tunes #4

Here’s a little ditty that I keep especially for those days when I want to lift verrrryyyy heavy.
Motorhead – Ace of Spades

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11 Tips for Kitchen Efficiency

Cooking can be an enjoyable, meditative, even therapeutic endeavor, but there are plenty of times when you just need to get dinner on the table. I hear from a lot of readers new to the Primal Blueprint who are dealing with the kitchen learning curve: how to condense shopping trips, how to assemble good Primal meals throughout the busy week, how to free up time for other activities outside the kitchen. A group of readers recently took up the discussion in our forum. I thought I’d throw out some of my own best suggestions for maximizing Primal cooking efforts but minimizing actual kitchen time – especially on busy work nights. I hope you’ll join the discussion and dole out your own favorite tips.

1. Forage and freeze.
A common beef, as reader maba and others have mentioned, is the shopping time – specifically, the need to split shopping between at least two […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Before we get to today’s actual post, I have a challenge. At the risk of sounding like a carny barker, guess my body fat and win a Damage Control Master Formula. The winner will be the one who, before tomorrow’s post, guesses what the “gold standard” hydrostatic test showed my body fat percentage to be – to the nearest tenth of a percent without going over. (Submit your best guess in the comment board.) If several people guess the same number, we will draw a winner from that group. Malibu gym members are specifically excluded from this competition (’cause that’s where I had the test done). This photo was taken around the same time.

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var addthis_pub = ‘ww4you’;
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Original post by Mark Sisson

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Anti-Cancer Potato Chips

Over the past few years, a growing body of research indicates that acrilamyde (a substance produced when potatoes/corn et al are deep fried) can lead to heart disease, nervous system disorders and cancer.
Ironically, this means that the bag of potato and/or nacho chips you ate last night while watching House might just lead to a situation where you require the services of a real-life Greg House.
Ain’t irony grand?
Luckily for us Canadians, our socialized health care system has sprang into action and has devised a plan to solve this whole acrilamyde kerfluffle.
And how are they going to do this?

By implementing a public health campaign to reduce the consumption of crunchy snack foods?
By taxing products high in acrilamyde?


Health Canada wants snack food manufacturers to put small amounts of the enzyme asparaginase into their products prior to the deep frying process.

What is Asparaginase?
Asparaginase is an enzyme that hydrolyses an amino acid, asparagine, to […]

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Hormones and your Health

Here’s the classic way of thinking about hormones.

We know of all the hormones in the body.
We know what all the hormones in our bodies do.

Now here’s the truth…
We are discovering new hormones and signaling molecules every day. We are also discovering new roles for hormones every day.
It is true that your hormones regulate the functions in your body, but they do so in concert, with dozens if not hundreds acting together to cause a certain effect, and to regulate and guide that particular effect.
In this way you can picture your hormones and the roles they play in your body like a spider web…
Your Metabolism
With all the hormones working together, depending on each other while at the same time creating checks and balances that allow for an intricate design to take….This design being your metabolism.
The thought that we can decide health or a health-outcome by any one hormone is ludicrous.
Don’t get […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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If you’re anything like me (and 96.4% of all men), you have left your Christmas shopping to the last minute.
And the stores are all sold out of Red Ryder BB guns.
So, whatcha gonna do?
I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do.
You’re gonna give your friends and family the gifts of health, fitness and smaller love handles.
And I am here to help with my Health Habits Approved™  Last Minute Christmas Shopping Guide.
Category 1:  Health Club Memberships
Don’t do it.
The latest research shows that overweight gym-goers feel more embarrassment and intimidation about exercising, exercising around young people, exercising around fit people, and about health club salespeople than individuals of normal weight.
And most health clubs do nothing to address these feelings of embarrassment and intimidation.
As a result, the people who need that gym membership the most are the same people who are most likely to quit.
So, unless you enjoy throwing your money away, don’t buy […]

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Dear Mark: Arachidonic Acid

I spend a lot of time highlighting the importance of omega-3 fatty acids and downplaying their poly cohorts, omega-6s. Of course, I do this for good reason. Western dietary patterns and modern agricultural practices have made omega-3s harder to come by and blown any semblance of omega-3/omega-6 dietary balance out of the water. As maligned as omega-6s are these days, however, they’re still essential fatty acids. Our bodies need them and can’t produce them on their own – straight and simple. The problem comes when we mistake emphasizing the omega imbalance in modern diets with disparaging omega-6 entirely. Although the Primal Blueprint promotes a healthy fatty acid balance – one that parallels that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors – I still get questions about omega-6s, particularly reservations about the role arachidonic acid (part of the omega-6 fatty acid family) plays in the PB.
Dear Mark,
While I totally agree with the importance […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Arctic Char Chowder

Chowder is different things to different people. Some insist that the word “clam” come before it or that potatoes be involved, some like a creamy broth (New England-style) and some like a broth flavored with tomatoes (Manhattan-style). We prefer the broad definition found in most culinary dictionaries that declares chowder to be “any thick soup containing chunks of food.”
The Arctic Char (or Wild Salmon) Chowder recipe sent in by Mike Cheliak for the Primal Blueprint Cookbook Challenge meets this definition and will undoubtedly unite both lovers of creamy broths and tomato based broths. Filled with generous chunks of fish and tomatoes, it is chowder that will satisfy your hunger and your need for Omega 3s and powerful antioxidants like lycopene. The bit of cream added at the end provides a delicious, rich texture but is entirely optional, as the chowder is just as flavorful without it.

Mike suggests using wild Arctic […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Braised Holiday Brisket

The first time I had brisket was when I was working for a caterer at a Hanukkah dinner here in LA. I was fresh off the boat so I wasn’t versed in this Jewish tradition, though over the years I’ve become well versed in the variety of foods served around this time of year. This is in honour of all my Jewish peeps.
I’m a huge fan of braising meats because this technique of slow cooking over longer periods of time makes the meat super tender and intensely flavourful. Plus it’s hard to mess up. What I’m doing with this recipe is laying flavours on top of each other so that when the meat is cooked it’s tender like ‘butta’ you get this deep rich flavour that shows how much care and time has been put into preparing it. Now, I know brisket is more of a Hanukkah type dish but […]

Original post by thehealthyirishman

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Demystifying Detox

It’s a nebulous term used by snake oil-salesmen to sell products cloaked in pseudoscientific terminology on late night television. Detox. If what they say is true, we apparently have millions of toxins constantly circulating throughout our body, permeating our cells, coating our digestive systems in a poisonous film, bogging down our organs. These toxins cannot be dealt with, nor reasoned with via the standard avenues of diet and exercise; no, they require the aid of special supplements and detox paraphernalia: magic herbs, weird colon-scouring clay mixtures, foot pads that supposedly suck the toxins directly out of the body, lemonade or juice fasting kits, liver flushes. They’ll often bring out a spokesperson who plays doctor well enough to convince your average Cheeto powder-encrusted insomniac that he or she needs this book or that colon cleanse to avoid obesity, cancer, disease, and depression. If you could just flush out all those toxins, […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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