NOTE: Make sure to checkout the forum discussion for this article.
How to put on weight and gain muscle mass is currently the #1 question that I get asked by young guys who can’t seem to break out of being “too skinny”.
Here’s the answer that I always give:
Eat more than you’re eating now, and eat plenty of protein.
That’s it.
The response I get to this is also always the same. “I can’t gain weight because my metabolism is off the charts. No matter how much I eat I can’t gain weight.”
Then I ask them what they eat, and it almost always turns out that either 1) They’re not eating as much as they think they’re eating or 2) They have no idea how much big guys eat.
So if you’re looking to gain weight, it’s time to start eating, and it’s time to start eating a lot. If you add 500 more […]
Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)