pimg class=”alignright” title=”Food Questions” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/foodquestions.jpg” alt=”foodquestions” width=”320″ height=”212″ /Perhaps the most common question I get from readers is some variation on the classic #8220;Is X Primal?#8221; Probably a half dozen times a day, #8220;Is this Primal?#8221; or #8220;Is that Primal?#8221; pop up in my inbox, often attached to some ridiculous food or product. My personal favorite was #8220;Is whole wheat bread Primal?#8221; (it#8217;s not), closely followed by #8220;What#8217;s more Primal, red or black licorice?#8221; But that#8217;s not to suggest that all I get is nonsense. Some #8211; most, even #8211; are actually quite reasonable queries about foods that either seem to reside in Primal limbo, get talked up by people who you#8217;d think would #8220;know better,#8221; or just taste really good and have people hoping that somehow, someway they#8217;re compatible with Primal living./p
pToday, I#8217;ll be scrutinizing ten commonly asked-about foods. Let#8217;s go:/p
pspan id=”more-28989″/span/p
h3Coconut Water/h3
pIt often feels like the a title=”Smart […]
Original post by Mark Sisson