pimg class=”alignright” title=”Sugar-Burner, Fat-Burning Beast” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/fat-adapted.jpg” alt=”fat adapted” width=”320″ height=”268″ /When describing someone that has successfully made the transition to the Primal way of eating I often refer to them as #8220;fat-adapted#8221; or as #8220;fat-burning beasts#8221;. But what exactly does it mean to be #8220;fat-adapted#8221;? How can you tell if you#8217;re fat-adapted or still a #8220;sugar-burner#8221;? I get these and related questions fairly often, so I thought I#8217;d take the time today to attempt to provide some definitions and bring some clarification to all of this. I#8217;ll try to keep today#8217;s post short and sweet, and not too complicated. Hopefully, med students and well-meaning but inquisitive lay family members alike will be able to take something from it./p
pAs I#8217;ve mentioned before, a title=”A Metabolic Paradigm Shift, or Why Fat is the Preferred Fuel for Human Metabolism Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/a-metabolic-paradigm-shift-fat-carbs-human-body-metabolism/#ixzz1zcMTGVL2″ href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/a-metabolic-paradigm-shift-fat-carbs-human-body-metabolism/#axzz1za02xNxp”fat-adaptation is the normal, preferred metabolic state of the […]
Original post by Mark Sisson