
I was recently talking to a friend who does a lot of weight training but not much cardio (he’s a boy!) and he was saying that he recently started including a Tabata workout at the beignning of his weights sessions and had reduced his body fat percentage as a result. I hadn’t really heard much but was intrigued…I did a little bit of research into it and discovered that people have had great sresults with Tabata training. The idea with Tabata is that it is 20 seconds maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds rest, repeated for a total of 8 minutes. Intense exercise raises our basal metabolic rate (BMR), when you do repeated short bursts of intense exercise, your body has to increase its BMR to handle these demands

Read this article:  

The Runner Beans: Tabata Treadmill Workout

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I love Vietnamese food. It is a combo of fresh Asian food with a French influence. Banh Mi or Vietnamese sandwiches are crazy good. Once you develop a taste for these flavors, nothing else can satisfy that craving.

Brandi of Diets in Review put up a great recipe on making low-cal Banh Mi sandwiches. Using a crock pot to cook the pork she has developed a recipe where each Banh Mi sandwich comes it at under 200 calories.
The typical Banh Mi is 600+ calories, so this is a great way to eat this amazing sandwich while on a diet.
Get the full recipe: Banh Mi Sliders Recipe | Portland, Oregon Banh Mi Sandwich Recipe.
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Mark Kislich put up a strategy on his blog about eating 10 eggs spread out over a day to introduce a high protein day in his diet. Varying the amount of protein you eat works well, because your body adapts to protein intake if you keep it the same each day.

So aren’t eggs bad for you? Absolutely not. Read the full post where Mark lays it out.
Link: Can Eating Whole Eggs Burn Fat and Build Muscle?.
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John Barban answers the question on training if your muscles are sore. The short answer is that “it depends”.

Cliff notes from his post:

Range of motion test: If you can’t perform movements with a regular full range of motion, take another day off.
Strength test: If you can’t hit your normal rep range for the first set or two of a lift, then wait another day before training.
Soreness on a scale of 1-10: You should aim to be at a 4-5 before you train. If you are an 8-10 precieved soreness, then wait a day or two before training.

Link: Can You Workout Through Muscle Soreness.
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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Eggs” src=”” alt=”eggs 1″ width=”320″ height=”240″ /First of all, I think we can all agree that a title=”Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid” href=””Primal food/a is a solid foundation of taste, nutrition, satiety, density, and volume. When you put a piece of well-cooked grass-fed steak, free of sugary salty soybean oil-infused sauces and unnecessary breading in your mouth, you appreciate that this is how meat was meant to be. When you use fresh vegetables, kale that bites back and asparagus that snaps in your mouth and cooked carrots that manage to be both tender and crispy at once, you know the goodness of produce. And these fill you up, they nourish, they enrich your life. Still, though, we humans possess the ability to perceive and appreciate a nearly infinite range of flavors and textures. Hundreds (if not thousands) of cuisines and flavors beckon, and we should probably […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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See original:  

Tabata Burn: 4min. HIIT Workout | My Fit Station

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I’ve been a huge fan of Leo Babauta for years. I agree with Tim Ferriss a bit less, but I can’t deny I’m excited for his new book The 4 Hour Chef. In this video Leo and Tim talk about their extremely opposite approaches to achieving things in life. Tim sets goals and Leo doesn’t. Here’s the video.

Here’s what Leo says about the video:
I’ve accomplished a few goals myself, but in the last couple of years have experimented with letting them go. Most people don’t agree with me, and while I’m OK with that, I thought it would be fun to have a debate on the issue.

Link: Tim Ferriss vs. Leo Babauta Showdown: On Whether Goals Suck
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Kiefer discusses a carb back-loading strategy for those who train Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I figured he would suggest eating the carbs right after each training session, but this is not the case.

His recommendations?
Spike insulin with a good whey protein drink after your lifting session (watch video for his exact recommendation). Eat carbs the night before your training session. So your most concentrated carb feeding would be Sunday night, Tuesday night, and Thursday night.
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Calorie Lab has a short article that talks about humulone, a helpful ingredient in hops that has antioxidant properties. The ingredient supposedly can reduce inflammation caused by infection and may prove helpful in fighting against the common cold.

The catch?
It supposedly takes 30 beers to get enough humulone to make a difference. I’m good for about 1/10th that number of beers on a Friday or Saturday night. So scientists will need to extract this from the hops to make a difference.
Link: Beer Fights Against Common Cold Virus.
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Planks are a great way to develop ab muscles without compromising your spine health. Most people simply stick with basic plank exercises, but there are quite a few variations to keep the workout challenging.

Found decent 7 exercise circuit.

Traditional plank
Up and down plank
Hop in hop out plank
Plank with knee drop
Plank with knee drive
Push up to plank hold
Side plank

Link: Saturday Morning Drill: 7 Planks to a Stronger Core
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