48: James Clear | All Things Intermittent Fasting (IF 101)Posted on 09/30/2013 by Jimmy Moore • AIR DATE: October 3, 2013 at 7PM ETFEATURED EXPERT: James ClearFEATURED TOPIC: “All Things Intermittent Fasting (IF 101)”Just mention the word “fasting” to the man on the street and the reaction you’ll get from most of them would probably fall somewhere between completely scoffing at the idea to the sheer terror at the realization of going without food for more than a few hours. This concept of fasting even on an intermittent basis, as has become popularized in the Paleo community in recent years, is certainly a highly controversial and misunderstood strategy that could very well be the last piece of the puzzle in optimizing your weight and health issues. Is intermittent fasting (aka IF) the right way to go for everyone, especially for women who seem to have more difficulty with this? Is there anyone who absolutely shouldn’t IF or even those who must do it for therapeutic purposes?
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48: James Clear | All Things Intermittent Fasting (IF 101) | Jimmy …