I hate saying this and it’s probably a little controversial, but when I see signs around my town here in GA about “Tabata Bootcamps” because the word “tabata” is cool, I shake my head.I’ll cut to the chase…There is NO ONE alive that can do a true Tabata for 30 minutes unless you’re a Tabata Jedi like these freaks:“Revealed the truth about Tabatas is” – YodaFirst, a tabata is NOT just 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Don’t underestimate the power of this 20-10 approach, it’s just not TRUE tabata.An example of using the 20-10 method is this:Bodyweight Squats (20 secs), rest 10 secs – 6 roundsBodyweight Squats work a lot of muscle and will get your heart pumping, but sorry… it’s not enough to be called “Tabata”.But it’s enough to burn calories in a short amount of time, so don’t dismiss it. And by the way, it’s a very simple finisher, too. (If it’s your first time, just do 4 rounds).Now about Tabatas…TRUE Tabatas are 170% of your VO2 Max).Most people cannot sustain this for a full 20 seconds, let alone a full 30 minutes.If you truly want to use the powerful Tabata method, then you will need to choose an activity that forces you to 170% of your VO2 Max like sprinting.That’s why if you do want to use Tabata training, it needs to be your VERY LAST part of your session
Truth About Tabata Training | – TrainWithFinishers.com