Oh sure, I do it almost every Friday night, after Friday lunch out at a restaurant, but that’s been the ONLY time I’ve been IF’ing since mid summer.I realized last night that I miss it!When I was more regularly intermittent fasting (in my case, not eating dinner or anything after a mid afternoon snack)…I felt AWESOME! I felt light, free, mind crystal clear (always a wonderful thing at 63 LOL)…in control, on top of the world.I want more of that, again!So I’m going to start making it a point to IF through dinner at least twice, preferably 3 times, a week.Of course, to do this in a medically safe way, there are guidelines:1. if you’ve never done this before, make sure you don’t have any underlying medical condition for which this would be unsafe. Check with your regular physician first if you are unsure.2
See the article here: