
It’s been a while since I really felt ‘right’ about my lifting. For the longest time, I thought that I simply didn’t care as much as I used to, but now I’m sure that I still care. In fact, the problem wasn’t one of caring, but of belief.I didn’t believe that lifting needed to be what it seems to have turned into…I started lifting weights in high school for a number of different reasons, but none of those reasons were competitive sports.I am not an athlete.I can remember when I was first introduced lifting weights for the purpose of bodybuilding, and I can remember how it was portrayed as a ‘thinking persons’ activity – a physical sort of philosophy. The way Arnold and Frank Zane and Lee Haney all talked about weight training, it was more akin to yoga and meditation then it was football or MMA. It was a physical chess match between you and yourself, and it was this approach to weight training that appealed to me.Lately lifting has turned into sport where we compete on youtube by posting videos of our best lifts, or compete in crossfit or powerlifting or even obstacle courses, we race and we challenge based on time or speed or weight… or level of pukey exhaustion.We create haphazard workout programs based on the latest ‘proven’ scientific theories, instead of doing what we WANT to do.The science has taken over, and the art has died.This isn’t a judgment on how you train now, but on how I have trained in the past.Pushing to the point of breaking, always sore, always ‘almost injured’

Continued here – 

Creating Weakness | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Creating Weakness

It’s been a while since I really felt ‘right’ about my lifting. For the longest time, I thought that I simply didn’t care as much as I used to, but now I’m sure that I still care. In fact, the problem wasn’t one of caring, but of belief.
I didn’t believe that lifting needed to be what it seems to have turned into…
I started lifting weights in high school for a number of different reasons, but none of those reasons were competitive sports.
I am not an athlete.
I can remember when I was first introduced lifting weights for the purpose of bodybuilding, and I can remember how it was portrayed as a ‘thinking persons’ activity – a physical sort of philosophy. The way Arnold and Frank Zane and Lee Haney all talked about weight training, it was more akin to yoga and meditation then it was football or MMA. It was a […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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pimg class=”alignright” src=”” alt=”mymosaic3 1″ width=”320″ height=”320″ title=”A Brief History of the Primal Movement” /It#8217;s relatively easy being Primal nowadays. Most restaurants have dairy-free, gluten-free options, if not entire menus devoted to Primal-friendly restrictions. Actual paleo restaurants and food trucks literally exist. a title=”Jumping on the Barefoot Bandwagon” href=””Minimalist shoes are everywhere/a. Standing desks are standard at many corporations, a farmer#8217;s market lurks around every corner, regular grocery stores carry grass-fed beef and butter, and Whole Foods has a a title=”NOM NOM PALEO INVADES WHOLE FOODS MARKET!” href=”” target=”_blank”paleo hot bar/a. Comment sections of mainstream nutrition articles are overrun with Primal supporters dropping knowledge. And in 2013, #8220;Paleo diet#8221; was the a title=”Paleo Diet Tops Most Googled Diets Of 2013″ href=”” target=”_blank”most searched-for diet in Google/a. But it wasn#8217;t always like this. If you weren#8217;t around for the hard scrabble days of yore, you probably don#8217;t realize what we endured. I#8217;m talking […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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This post was originally published on this site

Think about some of the staples you keep in your pantry or fridge and use on a daily basis — peanut butter, marinara sauce, tomato paste, mayonnaise, granola, chicken (or vegetable) stock, spice blends. The list could go on and on. Have you tried to make these things yourself?

If not, you should! You might not always save time making these everyday items, but they’ll taste fresher, you’ll have fun making them, and it might even save you a little money. Here are 20 pantry staples that are easy to make at home, and in some cases even less expensive than the store-bought versions!


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Sign up for the Frisky Fall Challenge… it’s not too late! Just sign up with email below. Find everything you need to get started HERE!Are you ready for an incredible, brand NEW HIIT routine!?This is your Frisky Fall HUMP Day HIIT routine! Move that coffee table to the side because this fat burning, metabolism boosting routine can be done anytime, anywhere

Read article here:

NEW #FriskyFall Video: HUMP Day HIIT! – Tone It Up

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pa title=”iTunes: The Primal Blueprint Podcast” href=”″ target=”_blank”img class=”alignright” src=”” alt=”primal blueprint podcast600 2″ width=”320″ height=”320″ title=”UPDATE: Marks Daily Apple Articles Coming to the Primal Blueprint Podcast” //aAt the request of numerous Mark#8217;s Daily Apple readers, my podcast team and I are now bringing Mark#8217;s Daily Apple articles to the Primal Blueprint Podcast!/p
pSelect articles from Mark#8217;s Daily Apple will be published in audio format, so strongif you prefer listening to reading, or simply have a difficult time keeping up with the daily articles, you#8217;re in luck/strong. Now you can listen to articles while on the go and never miss a beat./p
pTo start, strongwe#8217;re going to record and publish all future, relevant Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday articles/strong. In fact, we#8217;ve already begun doing this. The following articles from last week are available right now. You can click the links below to access them./p
pspan id=”more-51962″/span/p
lia title=”iTunes: How Exercise Makes Us Feel” href=”;mt=2″ […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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This post was originally published on this site

Ever get coriander confused with cumin? Or wonder just what exactly curry powder is made out of? As much for our benefit as for yours, we’ve put together this quick reference guide to all the most common (and some uncommon) herbs and spices!


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pimg class=”alignright” src=”” alt=”scale3″ width=”320″ height=”320″ title=”Dear Mark: Wifes Weight Gain; Upper Arm Fat” /For today#8217;s edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=””Dear Mark/a, we#8217;ve got a two-parter. First up is a question from a reader whose wife has gained weight following the Primal Blueprint way of eating and after completing a Whole30. She seems to be doing everything right, in other words. What could explain the weight gain? Next, I discuss what can be done #8211; if anything #8211; about upper arm fat. It might be hereditary, but that doesn#8217;t mean we#8217;re totally at the mercy of our genes. And even if we are, we can change how we react./p
pLet#8217;s go:/p
pspan id=”more-51894″/span/p
blockquotepDear Mark,/p
pFirst off I just wanted to thank you for all that you do. I#8217;ve been primal for over a year, have lost over 35 lbs., and am in the best shape of my life. I have consistent energy […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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This post was originally published on this site

The rice cooker has always been one of my favorite appliances. We eat steamed rice at least once a week and usually make enough to have leftovers for fried rice. I’m perfectly capable of cooking rice on the stove, but my rice cooker has an easy-to-clean nonstick lining and can keep the rice warm for hours, making it something I can turn on right before I leave the house in the morning.

But to be honest, this appliance takes up a lot of space. So how can I justify the amount of cabinet space it takes up? Because in addition to making great rice, the rice cooker makes great oatmeal too!


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pa href=”” rel=”lightbox[51950]“img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-47936″ src=”” alt=”weekend link love2″ width=”320″ height=”282″ title=”Weekend Link Love Edition 313″ //astrongPaleo Lifestyle Magazine/strong is running a fantastic giveaway. Enter the a title=”The Ultimate Paleo Kitchen” href=”” target=”_blank”Ultimate Paleo Kitchen giveaway/a for your chance to win $300 worth of kitchen gear and cookbooks./p
h4Research of the Week/h4
pA five minute walking break (2 MPH) a title=”Taking short walking breaks found to reverse negative effects of prolonged sitting” href=”” target=”_blank”undoes the harmful effect/a an hour of sitting has on your arterial function. That#8217;s doable./p
pA a title=”Large-Scale Psychological Differences Within China Explained by Rice Versus Wheat Agriculture” href=”″ target=”_blank”history of farming rice appears to make people more interdependent/a, while a history of farming wheat appears to make them more independent./p
pa title=”A rock engraving made by Neanderthals in Gibraltar” href=”″ target=”_blank”Neanderthals made engravings in stone serving no utilitarian purpose/a (also known as art), indicating a capacity for abstract […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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