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Here at The Kitchn, we don’t like to think of ourselves as food snobs. We bear semi-secret loves for boxed mac and cheese and Velveeta. We keep frozen pie crust in the freezer (and maybe a pizza or two).

But there is one packaged product most of us here at The Kitchn have ditched completely, and that is bottled salad dressing.


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pimg class=”alignright size-full wp-image-54687″ src=”” alt=”” width=”320″ height=”213″ title=”The Definitive Guide to Nuts | Marks Daily Apple” /Of all Primal-approved food categories, none is more bedeviling to even seasoned followers of the lifestyle than nuts. The questions never end. What emis/em a nut? When you#8217;ve got all these nut-like gymnosperms, drupes, and a title=”Dear Mark: Beans/Legumes” href=””legumes/a masquerading as nuts, what even qualifies as an actual nut? Does it even matter? Or phytic acid. Is it or isn#8217;t it a problem? And soaking — am I supposed to soak every type of nut, just some nuts, or none of them? Aren#8217;t a title=”Dear Mark: Nuts and Omega-6s” href=””nuts really high in omega-6s/a, which we#8217;re supposedly trying to limit or at least balance with our omega-3 intake? How do we reconcile that conflict? Why is #8220;hazelnut#8221; one word, while #8220;pine nut#8221; is two?/p
pI#8217;m out of breath, but this is a fairly representative sample […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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The question, “What’s for dinner tonight?” is often the easy one to answer. It’s the next question that’s tough: “What goes with it?” Do your answers reveal you’re stuck in side dish monotony? The side salad rut? Let us help. Here are 25 simple side dishes that will bring some life back into supper matchmaking. Every one of these is green, fresh, and super simple — not counting salt and oil, I don’t think any of them have more than six ingredients to juggle.

Time to freshen up the side dish routine for spring — snap up some asparagus and toss with pecorino; spiralize a zucchini; stir-fry tender greens; roast a head of cabbage.


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pimg class=”alignright” src=”” alt=”” width=”320″ height=”377″ title=”The Autoimmune Protocol: What to Do When Nothing Else Has Worked | Marks Daily Apple” /emToday’s guest post is from my good friend Tara Grant, truly a superstar in the Primal/paleo/ancestral health movement. Tara started out as a success story: “a title=”Tons of Doctors and No Solutions” href=””Tons of Doctors and No Solution/a” – one of the most visited stories in our entire a title=”Success Story Summaries” href=””archive/a. She#8217;s had a change of attitude since that article was published. As she says in this article,/em em“span style=”text-decoration: underline;”Luckily/span, none of the doctors I saw over the years had any idea what was going on.” /em/p
pemIn 2013, I published her remarkable book called /ema title=” The Hidden Plague” href=”;camp=1789amp;creative=390957amp;creativeASIN=B00H2V9ZLUamp;linkCode=as2amp;tag=marsdaiapp07-20amp;linkId=3IL2UH5TRNQ5IXUA” target=”_blank”The Hidden Plague/aemem, which details the painful and poorly understood skin condition of Hidradenitis supprativa (HS). (/em/emThe Hidden Plagueemem is on sale for just $3.99 this […]

Original post by Guest

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pimg class=”alignright size-full wp-image-54662″ src=”” alt=”” width=”320″ height=”213″ title=”Dear Mark: Vegetables on a Budget, Low Ozone Sun Exposure, Eating Breakfast, and PrimalCon 2015 | Marks Daily Apple” /For today#8217;s edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=”” target=”_blank”Dear Mark/a, we#8217;ve got four questions. First up is from Chris, who wonders whether vegetables are worth buying on a limited food budget. He#8217;s finding it difficult to justify spending money on a title=”Do You Really Need to Eat Vegetables to Be Healthy?” href=””low-calorie vegetation/a when a title=”The Definitive Guide to Saturated Fat” href=””fatty meats/a, avocados, a title=”Smart Fuel: Coconut Oil” href=””coconut oil/a, and other calorie-dense foods are available. Is he right? Next, how do low atmospheric ozone levels modify a title=”Why Some Sun Exposure Will Protect You from Deadly Skin Cancer” href=””my recommendations for sun exposure/a? Then, is there actually any justification for the oft-heard claim that #8220;breakfast is the most important meal of […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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You may think that we’re emerging from casserole season — all those pans of bubbling cheese and pasta, creamy and filling, seem to belong squarely to wintertime. Casseroles are the dishes that keep you warm when an extra pair of socks just doesn’t do the trick. But casseroles can be so much more than that — they can take you right into spring with their easy, one-dish approach.

These 12 casserole recipes are the lighter, healthier versions of their cold-weather counterparts – piled with vegetables, lightened and freshened up for spring, but wholly comforting and delicious.


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pa href=”” rel=”lightbox[54613]”img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-47936″ src=”” alt=”Weekend Link Love” width=”320″ height=”282″ title=”Weekend Link Love Edition 339 | Marks Daily Apple” //aChef Rachel Albert passed away last Saturday. We#8217;ll all miss her dearly./p
pThe a title=”The Diabetes Summit” href=”” target=”_blank”2015 Diabetes Summit/a doesn#8217;t kick off until March 23, but my presentation #8211; The Primal Solution for Type 2 Diabetes #8211; is already available. You can register a title=”The Diabetes Summit” href=”” target=”_blank”here/a to watch it./p
pThe team at Thrive Market saw my a title=”Top 50 Essential Paleo Pantry Foods” href=””Top 50 Essential Paleo Pantry Foods/a article last week, and offered to create a really handy gallery page that contains most of the paleo food items in the list. Saves a lot of clicking. a title=”Thrive Market: Paleo Pantry” href=”” target=”_blank”Take a look/a./p
pI#8217;m an investor in and advisor to a brand new bike company called Brilliant. They#8217;ve got a really unique […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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You can have the turkey. Leave the ham. Prime rib — what’s that? In my house, leg of lamb is the celebratory roast; I love its tenderness and flavor. And, of course, it’s the high season for lamb right now, as lamb figures prominently on both the Passover and Easter tables.

Have you ever roasted a leg of lamb? It may sound intimidating, but the sweet little secret is that leg of lamb is actually one of the easiest, most foolproof cuts of meat to cook. Here’s our remarkably simple, fuss-free approach to cooking a leg of lamb. It will turn out perfectly every time.


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It’s Sunday morning, which means it’s time for bacon. If you’re craving a salty, crispy slice this morning, take a spin through our six essentials of bacon, from the weird tip for cooking it on the stovetop, to the best way to freeze it for later.


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pimg class=”alignright size-full wp-image-54622″ src=”” alt=”Potato Skins1″ width=”320″ height=”212″ title=”Sweet Potato Skins | Marks Daily Apple” /Remember when potato skins were on the appetizer menu of almost every bar and casual restaurant? Looking back now through Primal eyes, there are so many things wrong with potato skins (starchy russet a title=”Are potatoes paleo? ” href=””potatoes/a, loads of low quality grated cheese, Ranch dressing on the side) it seems wise to banish them forever. And yet, admit it….you still have a spot in your heart for potato skins, don’t you?/p
pWhether it’s because of nostalgia or that crispy skin and creamy filling, cravings for potato skins may come up from time to time. And that’s okay, because this recipe for meaty sweet potato skins (cheese optional) gives the appetizer a Primal makeover./p
pspan id=”more-54621″/span/p
pThe change from regular potato to sweet potato isn’t just about healthy eating, though. It’s about flavor, too. Why use […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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