Sundae This post was originally published on this site

I had a revelation about snacking after reading the rules of improv comedy in Tina Fey’s book, Bossy Pants. Snacking is different that cooking. Cooking is often planned and follows a recipe. You could compare cooking to being an actor following a script.

Snacking, on the other hand, is about being in the moment; thus, the most creative and inventive snacks are the result of mastering the art of improv.


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vegan-cheesy-kale-chips1 This post was originally published on this site

I tried to make kale chips a few years ago when a friend told me how much she swears by this simple, healthy snack. A bad oven and an impatient cook (guilty!) burned them just a little bit. And you know what? They were terrible!

But after tasting some incredibly flavored dehydrated kale chips, I made it my mission to try again to make them successfully at home — but without a dehydrator. And this time, it worked! Here’s your ticket to healthy-style Doritos. Seriously.


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Pea Pot Stickers This post was originally published on this site

Growing up, my mom always told me tales of the frozen peas her mother served as an after-school snack. I think the story was supposed to make me feel grateful for the apple and cheddar slices I got at home. But now, in my thirties, I realize my mom (and her mom) were really onto something genius.

Because although you may think of frozen peas as more of an emergency ingredient — of both last-minute soup and head bump varieties — they actually make the perfect start to really tasty snacks. And here’s a time-saving hint: When using fresh peas, be sure to blanch them first. But if you’re using frozen peas for these snacking ideas, you can skip the blanching step and simply set a few cups aside to thaw, draining them of any thawing liquid before use.


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2284706786_c569a676fa_o This post was originally published on this site

While there has definitely been a recent growing interest in the Swedish tradition of fika, the Swedes have been drinking coffee for a long time. In Sweden, coffee has been a reason to gather together with friends, celebrate a special occasion, and just take a nice break from the everyday routine for over a century.

Take a look through these 10 vintage photos to see why the Swedish coffee break is so special.


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This post was originally published on this site


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Foosball-713x474 This post was originally published on this site

Originally posted at:

“Damn you Netflix, how did I just watch 12 episodes of House of Cards! I have stuff to do!”

We’ve all been there. There are the things we know we SHOULD do, the things we NEED to do, and the things that we WANT to do.

More often than not, the WANT wins out over the NEED and SHOULD.

It’s like trying to win a tug-of-war against a tractor pulling in the opposite direction. It’s why you struggle to get to the gym after a long day of work. It’s why you opt for Taco Bell instead of taking the time to cook a healthy meal.

Today, we’re going to give you a quick life hack that can help you start leveling up your life and actually get things done that need to get done!

What is Temptation Bundling?


I bet you’ve said the following: “Before I can watch TV, I need to exercise.” And yet, TV ends up winning over exercise almost all the time, especially if it’s after a long miserable day at work.

So, instead of “if I do this, then I get this” What if we combined the two into one epic activity?

That idea is called “temptation bundling,” a term coined by Wharton Professor Katy Milkman: ultimately, you combine something that needs to be done with something you want to do.

She describes the idea in a paper entitled: “Holding The Hunger Games Hostage at the Gym: An Evaluation of Temptation Bundling.” The goal is to get us to do things we need to do by combining them with things we want to do, removing the “either/or” temptation and getting us to ACTUALLY do stuff!

Participants were randomly assigned to a full treatment condition with gym-only access to tempting audio novels, an intermediate treatment involving encouragement to restrict audiobook enjoyment to the gym, or a control condition.

Initially, full and intermediate treatment participants visited the gym 51% and 29% more frequently.

Long story short: the people in the study who were told they could listen to addictive audio books only while working out visited the gym 51% more frequently than those who were just told they should exercise more.

Here’s some Nerd Fitness examples:

In love with the show Arrow? I am, and I want Stephen Amell to be my best friend.  Don’t say, “I can only watch Arrow after exercising.” Change your phrasing, and try this instead: “I can only watch Arrow WHILE exercising.” Bring your iPad or Laptop to the gym, and only watch particular shows while you are on a treadmill, walking, or using the elliptical.

Addicted to Clash of Clans on your phone? Only allow yourself to work on your clan while at the gym, in between sets of deadlifts. Same goes for looking at stupid Buzzfeed links on Facebook: only while resting in between squats!

Maybe you can only listen to Serial or Tim Ferriss’s podcast while walking, doing a particular work task, or even completing a chore at home like cleaning or laundry. An hour episode while walking could result in you racking up 3+ miles on your walk to Mordor!

Afraid to try cooking a new healthy meal? You can ONLY listen to a podcast or music in your house while you are cooking. BLAST it at top volume while having fun making a mess trying to cook.

Now, what’s interesting is that although this study teaches us that bundling a healthy life-improvement activity with one you enjoy can help you make a change, the boost can oftentimes be temporary.

The study went on to say that the “allure” of the audiobook + gym combo wore off after a few months, thus furthering the suggestion that you have flip a switch after you get started to “enjoying the journey.” So, although this is a great strategy to get started, it’s not a permanent solution. But that’s fine – we’re going to be using it to build long term habits.

try the temptation bundle challenge

lego hazmat

If you can implement it properly, temptation bundling can both increase your time spent doing a healthy activity while also helping you limit the unhealthy one.

Want to watch 10 hours of a TV show? I hope you’re ready to walk on a treadmill for 10 hours!

Now, you might be saying, “Steve, doesn’t this make the fun activity less enjoyable and the exercise/health portion less efficient?” 

Kind of. Sure, I would love it if you went to the gym, completed a kickass workout, ate a healthy meal, and then got 8 hours of sleep.

However, this isn’t Imagination Land, and I know the best workout plan is the one you actually complete. This is infinitely better than the perfect workout plan that makes you say “meh, I’ll start tomorrow.”

So what do we do? We use temptation bundling to get us started, and then use drive to keep us going. When we build interest ih the activity itself, we shift our focus from “I’m enduring this workout” to “I can’t wait to see how much better I am this week.” The change can become permanent.

Here’s a temptation bundle that I’ve implemented recently: I love to play video games, and oftentimes get lost in them for hours.

Because gaming is generally a passive activity, spending 12-straight hours slouched on a couch is NOT good for my back!

So I’ve created a temptation bundle when it comes to gaming:

I can ONLY play video games when I am standing, or doing the grok squat. Standing for 12 hours or squatting for 12 hours will certainly pose a challenge, so I will certainly do less marathon gaming sessions, and I’ll spend much less time slouched on a couch as well. I figure if I’m going to game I should at least work on mobility and movement simultaneously!

Your turn: what’s one activity that you love to do, and one that you know you should do more of? And how are you going to implement this strategy TODAY to your daily routine? Here are some other rapid fire examples:

  • Are you studying or getting some work done? Get your favorite sugar-free coffee drink/food item/snack only when you are doing it.
  • Try walking outside (or a cardio machine) – that’s now the only time you’re allowed to browse your favorite website, subreddit, or social media.
  • Try pairing chores like ironing, doing laundry, or cleaning dishes while watching your favorite tv shows or a new movie you’ve been waiting for.

Your turn! Let’s give away a free t-shirt (by the way, we’re having a sale on a few items in the NF store).

What’s one temptation bundle you are going to combine and start TODAY? Leave a comment before 11:59 PM next Thursday the 4th, and we’ll pick a winner at random to get a free Nerd Fitness Shirt.


PS: In case you missed it last week – we announced a few more coaches for Camp Nerd Fitness, including Michelle Tam of Nom Nom Paleo! We’re down to 12 of 300 spots left – hope you can join us :)


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bettersplits-frontsplitsnographicscopy This post was originally published on this site

Originally Posted At:

Improve your front splits, or finally achieve them, with these daily stretching techniques.

Using a variety of modalities can help you achieve better flexibility. In this video series, I am going off the assumption that you have been stretching and working on your flexibility, but aren’t quite where you’d like to be with your splits.


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BEER-SCHOOL-DAY-19 This post was originally published on this site

  • Today’s topic: How to figure out what went wrong with your beer
  • The Kitchn’s Beer School: 20 lessons, 7 assignments to brew your first 1-gallon batch of beer.
  • Sign up & see all the assignments! The Kitchn’s Beer School

Even the most experienced, gifted, and diligent homebrewer still occasionally gets a bum bottle. It happens. And when it does, it’s useful to take a few minutes to try and figure out what went wrong — and how to avoid it next time. Let’s take a look at some of the most common problems with finished beer.


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shutterstock_77773930 This post was originally published on this site

The words dentist and knives together in the same sentence don’t sound very pleasant, do they? Don’t worry, they have nothing to do with any painful dental work, but instead are a good way to think about knife honing and sharpening!


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trader-joes-snacks1 This post was originally published on this site

Trader Joe’s is great for regular pantry items and kitchen staples, but one area where they really excel is snacks. And, judging by some of your favorite buys at Trader Joe’s, it sounds like you agree.

They carry everything from everyday basic munchies and dinner party-worthy nibbles to healthy snacks and indulgent sweets. There are more than a few snacks that have won my heart since I started shopping at Trader Joe’s years ago. But it’s these 10 that would cause the most heartbreak should they ever stop appearing on the shelves.


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