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Workout Focus: Movement and recovery from the weekend.
Crawl forward and back 10m + Brettzel x 5 breaths each side
Side Crawl x 10m each way + Kettlebell Armbar x 5 breaths each side
Crab Crawl forward and back x 10m + Plank x 60 seconds
Lateral Ape x 10m each way + Cossack Stretch x 5 each leg
Shrimp Walk forward and back x 10m + Bridge x 5 reps with a 5 second hold on each
EDITOR’S NOTE: These workouts are designed by Master RKC Andrew Read. When it comes to obstacle course races (and a lot of other things), Andrew knows his stuff. Enjoy the workouts and good luck with your event!
This plan is designed to get you ready for a Spartan Race or other obstacle course event. The workouts are four days per week, with three of the days being double, split with extra running later in the day. If you have any questions about the exercises in the workouts, see the information I’ve outlined here.
It’s also imperative that you have a long run every weekend. If your event is 10km or less, your long run should be around two hours. If your event goes to 21km, you will need more like three hours on these weekend runs. These extra long runs are not written in the plan but don’t neglect them, as they are the cornerstones of distance running.
Work hard, eat well, and sleep a lot. In four weeks you’ll be Spartan ready AROO!
Originally Posted At:
Workout Focus: Movement and recovery from the weekend.
Crawl forward and back 10m + Brettzel x 5 breaths each side
Side Crawl x 10m each way + Kettlebell Armbar x 5 breaths each side
Crab Crawl forward and back x 10m + Plank x 60 seconds
Lateral Ape x 10m each way + Cossack Stretch x 5 each leg
Shrimp Walk forward and back x 10m + Bridge x 5 reps with a 5 second hold on each
EDITOR’S NOTE: These workouts are designed by Master RKC Andrew Read. When it comes to obstacle course races (and a lot of other things), Andrew knows his stuff. Enjoy the workouts and good luck with your event!
This plan is designed to get you ready for a Spartan Race or other obstacle course event. The workouts are four days per week, with three of the days being double, split with extra running later in the day. If you have any questions about the exercises in the workouts, see the information I’ve outlined here.
It’s also imperative that you have a long run every weekend. If your event is 10km or less, your long run should be around two hours. If your event goes to 21km, you will need more like three hours on these weekend runs. These extra long runs are not written in the plan but don’t neglect them, as they are the cornerstones of distance running.
Work hard, eat well, and sleep a lot. In four weeks you’ll be Spartan ready AROO!
Root vegetables and onions are best stored at room temperature — not in the refrigerator. But aside from taking up space on your pantry shelves or on your kitchen counter, what’s the best way to store them in your kitchen? Here are several ideas for the best ways to store all your favorite root vegetables, no matter how much space you have in your kitchen.
Salad dressings are so simple to make from scratch that I don’t buy bottled versions anymore. But there are some nights when even the act of measuring out vinegar and oil just seems like too much. I am careful about oil and vinegar dressings; I don’t eyeball the measurements, and I find them surprisingly time-consuming to get just right sometimes.
If I want something even faster and more foolproof than a basic vinaigrette, I pull out the tub of miso and whatever fresh citrus is on hand to mix up a batch of the quickest, easiest, most delicious dressing I know.
Memorial Day has come and gone, 4th of July is around the corner, and vacation calendars are filling up. How about you? Are you on vacation right now, perhaps? Or headed to the beach or a cabin soon?
We’re curious: What are your summer vacation cooking plans, and how can we help? This is the time of year our inbox lights up with questions about cooking for a gaggle of family and friends at under-equipped rentals, and meals that can satisfy a crowd. Is that what you’re looking for too, or do you just want to know whether your sandwich will make it through TSA?
When you have the time to spare, sure, you can wrap your beets in foil and roast them. It’s a mostly mindless method that will yield pretty good results. But truthfully, that method can take forever, and toward the end of cooking you’ll have to unwrap and wrap the beets to check doneness — each time piercing the beets with a paring knife, while the juice spills out. It’s an advertised no-mess method that ends up getting a little dirty.
I have a much better and faster way to cook beets — and if you’re on the fence about them in general, it may even nudge you back into the beet.
Here’s the final recipe in our series of fresh ideas for lettuce. It was a lot of fun to page through some of our favorite cookbooks, looking for crunchy, crispy lettuce recipes that offered a new twist on this basic green.
And oh boy, we may have saved the best for last. This recipe may look a little strange on the surface, a little unexpected, but let me tell you: I ate this 10-minute stir-fry twice this week, and it’s on the menu for next week too.
They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. And I’m through with garden insanity. After seven years of frustrating attempts to grow more than a salad’s worth of anything in our yard, I’m officially throwing in the towel.