1-compost This post was originally published on this site


As an apartment dweller, even one with outdoor space, I’m limited in my composting options. While we could get an outdoor compost bin, we wouldn’t have anywhere to put all the compost after it was ready.

Luckily, the farmers markets here in Brooklyn collect food scraps for the Grow NYC compost program year-round. And for the past year, I’ve been saving my food scraps in the freezer and dropping them off each week. But my bin situtation is posing a problem.


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good-questions-tk This post was originally published on this site


Q: I purchased Harina P.A.N. to make arepas, and I’m all arepa’d out. Any recipe suggestions/ideas, other than arepas, that I can use this tasty flour for? I’m at a loss for what to do with it!

Sent by Meghan


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Comment-of-the-DayMeals This post was originally published on this site


What kinds of meals are best to bring to parents with a new baby? Cambria offered a few suggestions and great pieces of advice earlier this week, and you guys jumped in with so many more! I thought there were so many good ideas — here are just three I thought were especially good.


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amp_garlic_01_IMG_9487 This post was originally published on this site


From Apartment Therapy → How To Grow Garlic


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ct-ct-rootbeer3-jpg-20150601 This post was originally published on this site


And by “hard,” I mean “boozy” here. Personally, I think a grown-up root beer with an added alcoholic kick sounds like something I could totally get behind. Hot day? Root beer? Pleasant buzz? Oh, yeah. Zak Stambor of The Chicago Tribune isn’t so sure. What say you, fellow craft-brew lovers?


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warm-potato-salmon-salad1 This post was originally published on this site


I always thought of canned salmon as that oily stuff with the bones and skin that my mom would mix up with mayonnaise to make a dip. Even though I actually kind of like the bones and skin, they hardly make for an elegant presentation.

Well, here’s a salad that several steps removed from either mayo dip or your typical bowl of mixed greens and chopped vegetables. It can be put together very quickly, and the leftovers are great for lunch the next day.


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sorrel1 This post was originally published on this site


I first heard of sorrel years ago. But I’ve walked past it and reached over it numerous times at the farmers market; I’ve probably even seen it in Whole Foods. Yet for as curious as I am with new-to-me ingredients, I didn’t get around to trying it until just recently.

It only took one bite to realize that I’ve been really missing out on this bright and zingy green.


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shutterstock_111698648 This post was originally published on this site


A rather ravishing restaurant-style salad.

The other night I ate one of my favorite restaurant meals: a finely chopped arugula and radicchio salad with tiny, crispy-yet-melting bits of fried onions, and paper-thin shards of sharp cheese. It’s a fabulous salad, but it’s one I’ve never been able to recreate at home. Unlike many restaurant dishes, which I feel can be recaptured at home with a little detective work, salads can just taste so much better when you’re out.

Here are a few reasons why that it is — and a few ways to make up the difference at home.


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This post was originally published on this site



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maryannheader This post was originally published on this site

Originally Posted At: https://breakingmuscle.com/feed/rss

Desk sitters, taking a moment to even do one of these sneaky, sitting exercises will rejuvenate your focus.

If you have a job that requires sitting, making a point to take movement breaks will make a big difference in your mental and physical health. These office exercises are designed to be done in sequence, but stopping to do even one will give your body, and your brain, a much-needed and rejuvenating break.


To perform the following exercises, first get yourself set up in the correct position.


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