5369049adbfa3f2a0d0006f0._w.540_s.fit_ This post was originally published on this site


Picked-at-their-peak strawberries sometimes barely make it home with me: I’m too busy snacking on them straight out of the basket and lose track of what I’m eating. Before I know it, they’re all gone, so I vow to buy more next time. But then what happens? I buy too much, or the gorgeous ones from the farmers market are so ripe that they get soft before I get around to eating them.

It happens to the best of us, but instead of throwing them out, I celebrate the fact that these overripe berries can still be enjoyed in lots of different ways!


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Kale-Stripper-2 This post was originally published on this site


Item: Chef’n Looseleaf Kale & Greens Stripper
Price: $8
Overall Impression: Yes, this gadget falls into the unitasker category, but it does make the chore of de-stemming your favorite leafy greens and herbs a little bit easier. For someone who makes a lot of salads, it is an inexpensive and easy-storing gadget to add to your kitchen.

One of my favorite salads calls for de-stemming two bunches of kale, and ripping off the leaves on each side of the stem seems to take forever. I’ve tried the trick of running the kale through my fingers (in a similar motion to this kale stripper) to separate the leaves from the stalk, but I’ve never quite gotten the hang of that trick. Ideally the kale stripper with the rigid plastic edge would be a little bit stronger at removing those leaves.


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Originally Posted At: https://breakingmuscle.com/feed/rss

Strength training veteran Charles Staley is here to answer our readers’ questions about life and lifting.

Note: Charles is here on a weekly basis to help you cut through the B.S. and get to the bottom of the biggest questions in health and training. Post your questions directly to Charles in the Breaking Muscle Forums.


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Originally Posted At: https://breakingmuscle.com/feed/rss

Strength training veteran Charles Staley is here to answer our readers’ questions about life and lifting.

Note: Charles is here on a weekly basis to help you cut through the B.S. and get to the bottom of the biggest questions in health and training. Post your questions directly to Charles in the Breaking Muscle Forums.


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For the most part, the greatest risk one takes when cooking a recipe is producing an inedible meal. That being said, cooking usually involves heat or fire, knives, and hot metal — all things that can potentially be dangerous. And whether you’ve experienced it yourself or heard tales from others, burns, cuts, and trips to the ER do happen. This causes, for some, a real fear of certain equipment or cooking methods, and in turn, the refusal to use them. I for one have yet to take out my mandoline from the cupboard since the Great Thumb Slice Disaster of 2010.

But with a healthy dose of caution and proper technique, there’s no need to fear your broiler or chef’s knife. And today, we’ll face some of the most dangerous-seeming kitchen tools and maneuvers, learn how to use them correctly and safely, and welcome them (and recipes that use them) back into your culinary rotation.


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the kitchn 0226 This post was originally published on this site


A leek is the kind of vegetable that makes you want to give nature a big high five. Their ombré skins gradate from dark green to chartreuse to white. They captivate in this way from the tops to the root, and from the inside out. Their thick outer layer unfurls like a scroll of paper, which indicates they need softening, but doesn’t offer a clue as to how meltingly tender and toothsome they can be. Baby leeks are cute and quite sweet. The adults are beautiful, bold in their flavor and regal in size.

They all hold powerful potential to season our food and, even better, to stand on their own.


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greenpepper- This post was originally published on this site


The green pepper will never be anyone’s desert island food. It will not be a featured ingredient on any chef’s tasting menu. It’s not likely to receive protected heirloom status anytime soon, or even have clever food puns written in its honor.

I’m here today to speak up on behalf of the much-maligned, rarely celebrated green bell pepper. It isn’t sexy. It’s not even all that pretty. Really, it’s downright bitter. And that’s what I think makes it special.


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2015-05-25-Lettuce-Radishes-Recipes-3 This post was originally published on this site


Lettuce is so much more than salad, you know. This week we’re bringing you five very different recipes that show off lettuce in different ways, and today’s may just be my favorite: Nigel Slater’s cross between a salad and a stir-fry, with chicken cooked in a flash with ginger and garlic, and folded together with barely-wilted lettuce and pea shoots.

It’s a super fast meal bursting with garlicky, spicy flavor, and packed with greens.


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By now you may be familiar with the popular Internet meme, “women laughing alone with salad.” If you’re not familiar, the concept is easy to understand: Picture a stock photo of a woman all by herself, eating a boring-looking salad and laughing hysterically. Salad deserves better PR than this. Because honestly, laughing by yourself with a bowl full of raw vegetables should be outlawed. It’s just wrong.

This meme sparked an investigation into other crimes against salad that are widespread on the Internet. I turned to a collection of stock photos to find the worst offenders. Prepare your eyes, my friends. No food deserves this kind of treatment – especially poor ol’ salad.


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Q: After I roast a leg of lamb, could I make a gravy with the drippings? This is my first time roasting lamb, and I am having company.

Sent by Mary


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