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I’ve got another really cool free contest for you. If you haven’t already registered for Thrive Market, you can enter to win a $100+ valued gift box of my favorite Thrive Market products. (Sorry, guys, but if you’re already a Thrive member you’re out of luck—I’m working on getting together a contest for you too! Stay tuned.)
Here are a few more logistics: No purchase required…three lucky winners will be randomly selected…and you’ve gotta seize the day, because the offer expires on July 29.
I jumped at the opportunity to participate in this contest because it gives me a way to solve a very common dilemma. A question I hear all the time from Mark’s Daily Apple readers, and my family and friends who are interested in living primally, is “how do I start?” And then, “where do I go from here” and “how do I keep it going?”
Though most of your diet is comprised of fresh fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats, and free-range poultry, you always need a few paleo-friendly condiments, simple snacks, and nonperishable goods. So to help simplify the primal life, I put together a box of all of my favorite paleo staples. These are the foodstuffs I always have on hand and eat daily. With a box of these goodies in your kitchen, you’ll have a really solid foundation on which to build your new healthy routine or maintain your dedication to primal eating.
Let me show you what I mean. Check out this short video to see a sampling of what Thrive Market delivers to my door each week.
And here some of my other favorites. These primal/paleo grocery items are yours for free if you’re one of the lucky winners:
1. Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo: $7.45
If you haven’t tried my paleo-friendly avocado oil mayo, you’re missing out. Full of healthy fats (no canola or soybean oil in sight!), this stuff is the best in a curried chicken salad or as the base for homemade dipping sauces.
2. Exo Apple Cinnamon Protein Bars: $27.95
These protein bars are made from cricket flour, the most sustainable source of protein on the planet. Plus, they have a great apple cinnamon flavor and don’t use any refined sugars.
3. Fatworks Food Pure Lard: $14.45
Lard has a very subtle flavor that enhances just about anything you cook with it. And, since it won’t burn like butter or degrade like olive oil, lard doesn’t come with the risk of free radicals.
4. Tanka Natural Buffalo and Cranberry Bar: $26.95
These spicy pepper buffalo bars really can’t be beat for flavor or nutrition.
5. Justin’s Classic Almond Butter: $11.25
Almond butter goes great in smoothies, breakfasts, paleo desserts, you name it. This particular brand doesn’t use any sweeteners or artificial junk—just almonds and sustainably sourced palm oil.
6. MCT Oil: $17.45
MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides, a type of fat the body uses for almost instant energy. I like to boost my morning coffee or smoothies with a glug of this oil.
7. Wild Planet Non-GMO Wild Pacific Sockeye Salmon: $6.45
I love salmon, but I generally try to avoid the farmed stuff. This wild-caught sockeye salmon is top of the line, both in flavor and eco-consciousness.
The retail value of this box? Just $111.95. And that includes two whole boxes of protein bars and six other paleo staples.
There’s something thrilling about opening your front door and seeing a box full of healthy and delicious fare from Thrive. So if you haven’t tried Thrive Market yet, then you’ve got nothing to lose and over $100 worth of food staples to gain. Enter here for your chance to win!
P.S. I should mention that Thrive Market currently ships to all residential and commercial addresses in the Contiguous U.S. They do not currently ship to P.O. boxes, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Canada, but hope to do so in the near future.