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Tom your contribution to the topic seems limited or of little relevance, whereas at least Samantha has made a contribution, albeit, too much for you to handle.
Had you actually addressed the topic as well, that might have been of some value as opposed to your dictatorial edict.
What most people don’t choose to realise, after years of brainwashing, despite your attempts to claim that someone doesn’t know what is good for all, is that industrialised, mineral depleted, bleached, neurologically damaging, stomach cancer causing processed salt, including aluminium and ferro cyanide, isn’t good for anyone at all; but I imagine your trite castigation doesn’t allow for the opinion of the whole of mainstream allopathic medicine and informed alternative medicine.
The argument that ‘salt is essential’ is untrue for everyone.
The argument that salts are essential for everyone is true.
Claiming someone else doesn’t know what works for others with your flimsy dna structure / genetics point is irrelevant when it comes to universal consumption of known toxins, ie industrialised NaCl.
I hope the correct grammar of the word salts versus salt is not lost on you, as it too applies to everyone, especially when you understand English language.
As it happens anyone with a modicum of intelligence can recognize universal industrial, slow but sure, metabolic poisons, even if you are unable to do so.