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If you’re feeling a bit out of whack, these simple exercises will help get you coordinated.

The intention of “cats and dogs” is to get the shoulders and hips to move together in a coordinated fashion to move the spine through a full range of motion. Cats and dogs will work all of the posture muscles that support the spine, and it just feels great!


Keep in mind a few things when doing this exercise:

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Qigong is an ancient practice that has tremendous benefit for the modern athlete.

My name is Chris Holder and I am the head strength coach at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California. We are a Division I athletics program competing in 21 varsity and on paper we operate and function like every school in the country.


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Qigong is an ancient practice that has tremendous benefit for the modern athlete.

My name is Chris Holder and I am the head strength coach at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California. We are a Division I athletics program competing in 21 varsity and on paper we operate and function like every school in the country.


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Hi Ann! I have been reading some of your other articles on Girls Gone Strong, and I see you talking about “integrating the core,” but I have a few questions. What does it mean to “connect” your diaphragm and pelvic floor? Why is this important? How do I incorporate this into my training?




Hi, Elizabeth! I’m glad you asked this question, because it’s one of my favorite things to talk about! I love teaching women how to harness the power of their deep central stability system.


There is so much information and misinformation out there on training the core.


When I talk about the “core,” I’m talking about the deep central stability system, made up of the diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominus and the multifidus. These four muscles need to work as a coordinated system, along with the glutes, in order to provide a stable foundation for the body’s movements.




In a nutshell, this system is not static. It’s dynamic. The system is in constant motion as you inhale and exhale all day long. The pelvic floor is one part of the system, but doesn’t work in isolation, as I discussed here. The pelvic floor/deep central stability system turns on first, before you make any movement in your body.


When the system is functioning properly, it moves like a piston (a great image from my friend Julie Wiebe, PT). On inhale, the pelvic floor is relaxed and on exhale, it rebounds up to support the system. When your ribs are aligned over your pelvis, and you grade your pelvic floor contraction to the task at hand, you are setting yourself up for success.




I teach all of my patients how to connect their core and pelvic floor by first explaining the system, and then having them access it in different positions with different tasks. Today I’m going to talk you through the instructions in the video below, and have you try a few activities.



I hope that helps you understand the connection breath! If you’re eager for more information, I will be talking more about this system at the Women’s Fitness Summit in August! Hope to see you there!



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People simply don’t read anything unless you make it jump out at them. I was simply denoting EMPHASIS, since I don’t see an HTML toolbar with this here comment box, and I’m not a good coder otherwise.

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I have spent the last 4 years getting my 4 pillars of health in check, and have been feeling amazing! The best in my life! Until this year… BAM! Perimenopause. And now it’s all pear shaped.

I’m 42 and suddenly I’m having flooding periods, weight gain, and sleep issues (apnea) due to my nose being constantly dry and blocked.

I’m considering pregesterone cream just because I don’t know what else to try. Diet was clean Paleo, sleep was good, stress was low. My life was amazing.

Now I’m sleep deprived stressed and waking up every night gasping for air.

Hormones suck.

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