selfcare1-superwoman This post was originally published on this site


“It’s just so hard to make time for myself. I always end up feeling guilty or ashamed for putting myself before my career, family, and other responsibilities. How can I get over that feeling?”


Can you relate?




In fact, it’s common among intelligent, action-oriented, go-getter women to feel this way. We think we’re supposed to be Superwoman, ignoring signals from our body (i.e. exhaustion, foggy thinking, headaches, weight gain, etc.) in order to take care of everyone else’s needs. Though we know better, we rarely stop long enough to take care of our own.


Yet, the more we ignore those signals, the louder they become, until we reach a breaking point and have to make a choice. We have to slow down or stop in order to tend to our health. None of us really wants to let it get to that.


If you struggle with Superwoman Syndrome, here are three things you can do that will help you start prioritizing your own needs and self-care, even with a packed schedule.


1. Take an honest, objective inventory of your beliefs


Take a few minutes to write down the top five reasons you are unable to pencil in some time for self-care in your schedule. Examine this list carefully.




Does your list look a little (or a lot) like this ?


  1. I don’t have time to prep healthy food to take with me for lunch.
  2. My kids have so many activities that it feels like I’m rushing around to be there for them from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep.
  3. Things are super stressful at work, so I barely have time to pee, let alone fit in a workout during the day.
  4. My spouse/partner works long hours, so the bulk of the at-home responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, childcare) rests on my shoulders.
  5. I’m so mentally and physically exhausted that all I want to do at the end of the night is sit down in front of the TV or the computer with my favorite snack and unwind for a few minutes before I have to do it all over again.


Whatever is on your list specifically, and as real and immovable as it may all feel, recognize that they are simply very powerful beliefs that you hold about yourself and your time.


So often we get stuck looking at our responsibilities and commitments and believe that just because this is the way we’ve been living for a long time, it’s the only way it could ever be.  Changing things is either not even a consideration, or feels too disruptive to everyone else and you can’t bring yourself to do that. That belief results in frustration, unhappiness and resentment toward the very people we love and care for.


What if you choose to prove these beliefs wrong?  If the way your life is currently going doesn’t align with the way you want it to look and feel, you have the power make different choices.


Sometimes just realizing you have that power is enough to start shifting toward a new perspective. What if you:


  • communicate your needs?
  • ask for help, or lean a little more on your spouse, family, friends, community?
  • delegate or outsource certain tasks at work or at home?
  • say “no” to commitments that don’t absolutely light you up?
  • invest your time more deliberately (instead of doing things because somebody else expects you to or because you feel that it’s expected of you)?


One of the greatest gifts we could ever give our loved ones is to be a role model for what it looks like to be an empowered human being who creates her life with intention.


Role model what it looks like to take responsibility for your happiness, be independent, resourceful, solution-oriented, and create the life you want.


Sometimes we might find ourselves taking care of our spouse’s needs at the expense of our own, and we begin to feel resentful because we’re not getting the same in return. There’s a big difference between giving unconditionally without attachment or expectation, simply because it feels good, and giving for the sake of validation or reciprocation.


If you’re going to give, give from inspiration and unconditional love rather than from a need to feel needed, or an assumed sense of responsibility where there might not really be a need for it.


2. Take an honest, objective inventory of your priorities


Awareness is a powerful thing. Once you know you’re doing something that doesn’t align with the life you want, you have the power to change it.


When we say we don’t have time for something, this often boils down to priorities, rather than an actual lack of time.  We make time for the things on which we place the highest value. How important is a particular “something” to us?


Start a new list. This time, write down your top five priorities in life, the things you value most.


Maybe your list looks something like this:


  1. My kids/my relationship with my spouse.
  2. My health.
  3. My family and friends.
  4. My career.


With this list in hand, pull up your calendar and evaluate whether or not your schedule and commitments reflect the order of what’s on this list.




In other words, if your top priorities are your kids, and your relationship with your spouse, and your health, does your calendar reflect that, or do you see potential for change in how you spend your time?


It’s easy to put the ball in someone else’s court and blame our work, our boss, our spouse, or somebody else for our time commitments. But the more we do that, the more we are giving own power away.


An unhappy journey does not lead to a happy ending.


Take some time now to evaluate what’s on your schedule. Be honest with yourself about what’s truly necessary, and what can change to make a little space for you on your schedule. Are there commitments on your schedule that you can delegate or decline altogether? Are there days that are usually lighter than others?




Life is about more than working, paying the bills, and checking things off a never-ending to-do list. The more your schedule reflects the things that matter most to you, the more fulfilled you will feel, and the more satisfied you will be with your life. You’ll be surprised at how much this spills over into other areas of your life.


3. Don’t “compare and despair”


Looking around, particularly on social media, it can feel like everyone else is doing so much better than us.


Find yourself struggling with jealousy towards other women?


It’s easy to look at others and think, “Boy! So-and-So really has it together!” based solely on what they are putting out for you to see online, or what they share with you in casual conversation. But you never really know what anyone else is going through until you’ve walked in their shoes.


We think that because So-and-So works hard, runs a tight home, and never seems to take time for herself, but looks happy and energized all the time, that we must hold ourselves to this same standard if we want to be successful in our own life.


Do you even really want what So-and-So has? And do you think that what you see is all there is? Most of the time we compare ourselves to people who we may admire from afar, without really seeing the whole picture. Not only is there enough success and happiness for everyone, everyone’s success and happiness looks different.


Give yourself a break and stop comparing yourself to anyone else. Celebrate others’ successes, but honor your life’s priorities. Find a pace that works for you.


Ask yourself, “When will enough be enough? When will I finally allow myself to relax and take care of me?” The most frequent answer I get from most women I work with goes something like this: “I don’t know. I guess I never really plan time for myself because there’s always something else that needs to get done.”




Remember: we make time for those things that matter most. You are a bright, strong, empowered, and caring woman. Make sure you matter to you the way you matter to those you care about most.



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good-questions-tk This post was originally published on this site

Q: I am remodeling my kitchen at the end of July using IKEA cabinets, but I’ve run into a design problem: I want the upper cabinets to be ceiling-height, but my ceiling is 7′ 6″. IKEA sells 30-inch and 40-inch upper cabinets.


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2015-07-06-Stove-Top-Pizza-29 This post was originally published on this site

Hot summer days are tough for a pizza lover, especially if that pizza lover doesn’t have a grill to take the pizza party outside. A few years back, my husband and I — both hardcore pizza devotees — started experimenting with stovetop pizzas to avoid turning our apartment into a sauna during the summer months, and this soon became a favorite technique.

Besides eliminating the need for a hot oven, stovetop pizzas are super fast and perfect for when you’re just making one or two personal pizzas. Here’s the method we’ve settled on as our favorite.


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521cd7e5697ab049b30084df._w.540_s.fit_ This post was originally published on this site

From Apartment Therapy → Let Your Home Help You Get Healthier


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Steve-Skeptic-Goggles-590x379 This post was originally published on this site

Originally posted at:

Greetings my dear Rebel friend!

8 years ago, when I bought the domain, I had a big dream of helping a few dozen nerds get started with health and fitness. Too scared to actually do anything for a year, I finally got the courage launch the site in January 2009.

I still remember the napkin I drew the first Nerd Fitness logo on, getting the idea for the “level up your life” tagline, and begging a friend to set up the initial site for me.

Six years later, hundreds of thousands of men and women from dozens of countries consider themselves part of the Rebellion. We have a powerful Academy community, a sold out yearly Camp event, and a growing team of Nerds dedicating themselves full-time to Nerd Fitness!

Whether you are brand new to Rebellion (welcome!), or you’ve been with us since day one (hey mom!), I think it’s important to fill you in about the current state of NF, what we’ve achieved to date, and most importantly, the direction we’re all going together.

What is the Rebellion philosophy?

Steve Fitness Skeptic Goggles

Now, if you’re brand new to NF, you might not know what we, members of the Nerd Fitness Rebellion, stand for. Or, maybe you’ve been reading for a few years and you need a way to explain to your friends what the hell Nerd Fitness is. It’s more than just push ups, protein, and pride.

We members of the Nerd Fitness Rebellion believe in a few key ideas (11 rules specifically!). These are the three most crucial:

RULE #1: We know diet is 80-90% of the battle, so we do our best to eat as well as we can as often as possible, and occasionally choose to eat what we want.

RULE #2: We know that we need to have fun with our fitness, so we pick activities that make us happy and get our heart racing.

RULE #3: We also know that a strong and mobile nerd is a healthy nerd, so we make an effort to get stronger through bodyweight exercises or training. Strength makes every other activity in life easier!

We know all of the above is easier said than done, so we make sure we set ourselves up to win:

We are products of our environment, so we build ourselves epic batcaves that minimize the amount of willpower we need to make better decisions

We believe life is a giant game, and we get to be the heroes of that game! I actually turned my life into a game, giving myself experience points for going on adventures and completing quests and missions.

We only compare ourselves to who we were yesterday. Comparing ourselves to others is a recipe for disaster, as they have different genetics, lives, and so on.

That’s the Nerd Fitness Rebellion in 20 seconds. So, how the hell did we get there?

Where we are now…

NF Decal

This community is something pretty damn special. I want to share with you how the community has grown up over the past few years, and specifically how our team has grown up too!

About 18 months ago, we made the decision to take down our fitness training ebooks and instead dump all of our effort into The Nerd Fitness Academy – our flagship course for helping people get started with health and fitness. Last summer, we did a major overhaul, completely redesigning the Academy, adding a class system (Warrior? Ranger? Monk? Druid?), and even adding quests to complete to gain experience points and level up!

Last fall we had our first had our first ever in-person major meetup: Camp Nerd Fitness! We brought 150 brave nerds to the mountains of Georgia for a long weekend of adventure and fun, and it changed my life. We had so much fun we decided to do it again this fall, and we’ve already sold all 300 spots for the event this September!

It has me thinking we need to do more of these things in 2016! :)

Now, none of this stuff would be possible without our incredible team, which has exploded in size in the past year. Many people still think that NF is just a one-man operation, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Believe it or not, there are dozens of things that happen behind the scenes every day to make this site and community run properly.

We have Staci (Rebel Ops), Taylor (Managing Editor), Baker (Product Development), Darryl (Rebel Design), and Lauren (Rebel Support and Events), in addition to a dozen other folks who help with all sorts of other tasks in the background. We’ve come a long way from just me and a blog :)

In addition to all of the fun information above, here are some fun stats about the community:

  • 699 articles published
  • 268,000 email subscribers
  • 36,000 message board members (with 40 volunteer moderators!)
  • 13,000+ Academy members
  • Millions of monthly visitors

Honestly, those are some cool numbers, but they all pale in comparison to what’s really important: emails and messages and success stories from community members:

Steve before and After

Bronwyn Before After

before and after ron

I love hearing from you guys (yes, we read every email that hits in the NF inbox!), and nothing makes me happier than hearing about how NF helped you help yourself level up your life.

So, that’s where we’ve been… where are we going?

Nerd FItness Yoga is Coming!

NF Yoga

For the first time in nearly two years, we are putting out a new product! I’m excited to officially announce Nerd Fitness Yoga, coming out later this month. 

You see, strength is nothing without mobility. If you can’t get your body to sit down and stand up, it doesn’t matter how strong those muscles are!

Mobility and flexibility help you stay injury-free and feel younger, which makes every other part of your life easier.

But how does one get started with boosting their mobility and flexibility? Most of us have heard about Yoga classes. We know it can come with fantastic benefits, but what if you’ve never been to one?

Getting started can be freaking intimidating:

What if I don’t know how to find a yoga studio? Do I need one?

What if I’m too intimidated too start? I don’t want to look like a idiot!

I don’t have time to drive to a studio, can I try at home?

Those are just a few of the issues and concerns we set out to solve with the creation of Nerd Fitness Yoga.

We partnered with certified yoga instructor and (NF Rebel!) Kate Marolt to put together a course that includes everything you need to start improving your flexibility and mobility immediately: 6 full-length yoga routines, a deep stretching routine, and a handful of extra, shorter mobility videos you can view daily.

We want to eliminate any hurdles you have had with trying Yoga in the past. You can do these workouts anywhere, with anyone, at anytime. Daily routines as short as 5 minutes, with the advanced yoga routines taking up to 45 minutes. No matter how much time you have, we will help you jump in and get started.

It’s done with the same fun, inviting style you’ve come to know and love from Nerd Fitness (yes, including a few corny jokes from yours truly). We even designed the yoga studio to pay homage to Super Mario!

Yoga Set

We’ve done our best to create a product that will work for any member of our community, whether you’re 500 pounds or 100 years old – every video features instruction for any level and any body type.

If you’re somebody that wants to try yoga but is afraid to go to a studio, or just can’t find one in your town, NF Yoga will be a great fit for ya!

I’m not gonna lie: I’m really freaking proud of NF Yoga. We don’t have many things for sale at Nerd Fitness, so when we put something new, we make sure it’s something worth checking out! We’ll be releasing Nerd Fitness Yoga towards the beginning of August, and I couldn’t be more excited.

If you’re interested in learning more about the product and to get some extra content between now and then, sign up for our NF Yoga List to be notified of all the things we’re putting together.


For the rebellion… next!

team super hero

While there is a lot of excitement around sharing NF Yoga next month with you, that’s not the only thing coming in the near future.

I hate making promises when I don’t have specifics or a deadline, but I can fill you in on a few more things you can expect over the next 12 months!

  • Our sold out Camp NF 2015 goes down in September
  • A super secret project launches in January 2016 (to be revealed soon! I can’t share it yet, but it’s a big one…)
  • A character creation and leveling system for ALL members of Nerd Fitness
  • An improved Nerd Fitness Academy experience: more quests, new recipes, and improved workouts
  • Our next premium product (We’ll be asking directly what you’d like to see us build next, so keep an eye out for a survey soon! )
  • More in-person events to meet members of Team NF and other passionate Rebels near you

I’ve had this grand vision of looking at life as a game for as long as I can remember, and only now are we at a place where we have the tools, the talent, and the time to pull it off.

Things have certainly taken longer than I would have liked them to, but I’m fired up for what’s to come. I truly expect Nerd Fitness to become a worldwide juggernaut that puts a dent in the universe.

Thanks for being here, and thanks for putting the words of the Rebellion into action. I can’t wait to bring all of the above to life and show you what the team and I have been working on behind the scenes for a long time.


PS: here’s a link again to sign up for our Yoga interest list. Excited to share more info with you on it towards the end of the month!


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2015-07-06-Corn-Pizza-1 This post was originally published on this site

Mozzarella cheese is a pizza mainstay. It’s probably the default cheese that comes to mind when you think of pizza, and for good reason — it’s undeniably melty and delicious.

But when it comes to topping your pizza, can we just agree that mozzarella is not the end-all, be-all? There are plenty of other cheeses out there that make a darn good pizza.


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mini fruit pizzas-2 This post was originally published on this site

As a competitive swimmer growing up, we used to have “pasta parties” before big meets. (Do kids still do this? Or is carbo-loading not cool anymore?) Whenever we hosted the potluck-style shindig at our house, my mom and I would make fruit pizza for the grand finale. We pressed sugar cookie dough into a pizza pan and, after baking, topped it with cream cheese frosting and a rainbow of fresh fruit.

These days, I like making mini versions for my son and his friends with a vanilla bean-specked frosting and bowls of fresh fruit for DIY decorating. It’s a dessert and an art project, all in one.


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shutterstock_61699279 This post was originally published on this site

I never did much babysitting when I was younger, and neither did my husband, so we were fairly clueless when we started leaving our infant son with babysitters on our occasional date nights. Were we supposed to leave dinner? Or money for pizza? Embarrassingly, we left one sitter with neither one evening before I had the good sense to check in with my sister, an experienced babysitter. She confirmed that most families leave her with leftovers in the fridge or at least some snacks. I apologized to our sitter — who turned out to be a Kitchn reader, even more embarrassing! — and vowed to treat our babysitters’ meals a little more thoughtfully.

Of course, thoughtful doesn’t have to mean difficult or time-consuming. I barely have time to slap on makeup and unwrinkled clothes, let alone make a meal, in the 15 short minutes before the babysitter arrives. Instead, I rely on a few time-saving methods to make sure our sitters eat great food without adding any extra work for me.


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521380bcdbfa3f64db001068._w.540_s.fit_ This post was originally published on this site

Learning how to cook is an exciting, sometimes-scary thing. It’s a rite of passage, a stepping stone to self-sufficiency. Soup is not just soup anymore, but a magic amalgam of vegetables, meat, spices, broth, and heat that you made yourself. Huzzah, bright new world! — where the pizza isn’t takeout, and the chicken is oven-roasted, not store-bought.

Like anyone learning a new skill, those first cooking attempts are full of mistakes, doubt, and do-overs. It can be a frustrating experience, especially when more experienced cooks hover about trying to “help” out. If you really want to support and encourage a new cook, here are three things you should never say to them —and what you could say instead.


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1-wallpaper This post was originally published on this site

When I came across photos of this kitchen, I instantly fell in love. For the most part, I’m a minimalist when it comes to design — I like to add color and texture through artwork or by displaying vintage items on open shelving — but I couldn’t resist the bright and bold geometric wallpaper in this otherwise simple, modern kitchen.

There are a few key decisions the homeowner made that make this wallpaper successful, and that you can use if you want to try this look in your space.


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