In addition to the rich broth, the most satisfying element of beef pho is the meat layered in the bowl before serving. Added raw, the thin strips of beef are cooked when the boiling broth is ladled into the bowl. Choose wisely, though, because not just any cuts of beef will do.
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A Bundt cake is not your average cake. While all cakes strive to be delicious, the Bundt cake can be a little more fun and pretty than some other presentations simply because of the pan it’s baked in. To make sure you get the best cakes every time, avoid these five mistakes.
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When it comes to making pho, the deeply flavorful Vietnamese noodle soup, you can take everything you know about the beginnings of a pot of soup and toss it out the window. Pho does things differently, and it starts with the vegetables.
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Pho broth is unlike any other beef broth for two reasons: the aromatic vegetables are charred before cooking the broth, and the broth is heavenly spiced. Whether you’re making pho broth at home from scratch or doctoring up store-bought beef broth, warming spices are the secret to the best pho broth at home.
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Before you drain that can of chickpeas, know that you have one pretty tasty dessert component on your hands. Save the liquid, called aquafaba, and it in fact can be whipped up into a sweet vegan icing for any and all treats.
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