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With all the Thanksgiving cooking going on, the last thing you probably want to think about is what to serve everyone on Thanksgiving morning. Don’t fret — it doesn’t have to be complicated to be good!

Over the years, I’ve developed three simple rules that I follow when planning out Thanksgiving breakfast. Here they are, along with five ideas on what you can serve your overnight guests Thanksgiving morning.

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Don’t drown your athletes in a flood of cues and information.

Having a plan for each training session is usually taken care of through programming and periodization. But complex training programs and genius writing can only get you so far. I’ve been in the game long enough where I am confident with how I put training programs together; I know my thinking makes sense and I know I can get anyone strong. 

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Runner’s High might be a product of evolution that sets us apart from many other species.

The benefits of physical activity and exercise on the human brain have been widely reported. In particular, it’s increasingly clear that aerobic activity has positive benefits on mood and cognition, even throughout one’s lifetime.


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If your Thanksgiving involves hopping on the train or settling in for an hour-long car ride, fret not — there are plenty of side dishes that can stand up to the journey. Whether you’re lucky enough to have access to precious oven space or you need a dish that can be prepared in advance and ready to hit the table as is, we have plenty of options that travel well. From fresh slaws to pillowy dinner rolls, these are the sides we reach for when hitting the road for Thanksgiving.

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(Image credit: Kimberley Hasselbrink)

So you decided to jump on the bandwagon and try Whole30. Congratulations! Once you’ve read the guidelines to the program and prepped your kitchen, it’s time to get meal planning. You’ll find it very difficult to eat anything at all if you don’t have a plan and some ingredients prepped in the fridge.

The first rule of doing Whole30 is to always check the ingredient list on whatever you’re buying. You might know that Whole30 says you must abstain from eating grains, legumes, dairy, sugar, and alcohol for 30 days, but it gets more complicated when you break it down to the ingredient level. For example, things like bacon and marinara sauce seem innocent enough, but they might not be Whole30-compliant because they have added sugar or other additives.

I’ve gathered a list of Kitchn’s very best Whole30-friendly recipes so you don’t go hungry on your month-long journey. Almost all of these recipes require no substitutions (I’ll let you know when you need to use ghee for example, instead of butter), but you still need to check your ingredients at the grocery store to make sure everything works for Whole30.

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(Image credit: Rachel Joy Baransi)

There’s one meal I cook the same way year after year: Thanksgiving. What can I say? I like the classics, and Thanksgiving gives me a chance to cook familiar recipes while chatting with friends and family.

I also like saving money; it’s one of my favorite things. So this year I decided to head to Aldi, my go-to budget-friendly grocery store to see if I could buy an entire classic Thanksgiving dinner for less than $100.

Could it be done? I wanted to find out!

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