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(Image credit: Karen Bertelsen)
I’ve been noticing an uptick in edible arrangements, and I’m digging it. No, not the wacky-looking, toothpick-skewered fruit creations you associate with the category, although there’s certainly a time and place for that (a breakfast meeting at work, fine; your Thanksgiving table — not so much). I’m referring to centerpieces featuring brassicas, or cabbages, mustard plants, and other cruciferous vegetables.
You could say I’m on the “kale yeah” bandwagon. I just think there’s something so practical about appreciating the beauty of brassicas. They’re colorful, hearty, and can potentially be eaten post-bouquet. What’s not to love?
For a little Turkey Day inspiration, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite brassica arrangements leading the farm-to-tablescape movement. Check them out and then consider creating your own feast for the eyes.
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