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Curry Cauliflower Salad

(Image credit: Sweetgreen)

The only thing more trendy than ordering a salad from Sweetgreen for lunch in New York is waiting in line for said salad. And while it might seem a little ridiculous to wait in a long line for something like a salad, it should be noted that these aren’t just any salads — there’s something magical and inspiring about every Sweetgreen salad I’ve ever tried. They are hearty, satisfying, and ridiculously tasty. Some of them don’t even have greens. So, what’s their secret?

I asked Chef Michael Stebner of Sweetgreen to tell me his five rules for creating a better lunch salad. It turns out you don’t need to live next to a Sweetgreen to get the full experience.

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    A plant-based snack board sounds like something you might find at that new vegan restaurant downtown, but it’s actually the answer for dinner when all you want to do is eat a bunch of snacks (in a wholesome “I have it together” kind of way). A veggie snack board is perfect for busy weeknights or Sunday dinner after a cookie-decorating marathon. It can also double as an appetizer for a low-key get together — when make your snack board all about the vegetables, it’s a savvy way to get more in around the holidays.

    Here’s what you need to know about preparing a plant-based snack board, including a few tips on what to buy (basically all of it) and what to make (hardly any of it), and how to serve it to your vegan-dabbling and veggie-loving friends.

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    (Image credit: Cathy Pyle)

    From Apartment Therapy → Black is the New Black: 8 Deliciously Dark Kitchens

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    Are you searching for a gift for the hostess in your life? Someone who loves to spend nearly as much time paging through cookbooks as she does cooking from them? Who enjoys hosting beautiful gatherings and often turns to lush, elegant, glossy cookbooks for inspiration?

    Here are six pretty (yet useful!) new cookbooks that would make the perfect gift for the elegant hostess. They’re the kind of books that are just as likely to be found on a coffee table as they are a kitchen counter.

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    As awareness of our bodies grows, taking things like vitamin D levels into account is becoming increasingly important.

    The strongest man in the fictional universe, Superman, derives his power from the sun. Chances are you’re not a superhero, but this phenomenon isn’t purely science fiction. In fact, it imitates your own athletic power.


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    (Image credit: Amazon)

    Did you miss out on all the Black Friday deals this past weekend? No worries — you have one more opportunity with Cyber Monday. I’ve scanned the internet for the best deals of the day, and found the one thing you should probably spend your money on. Just like with the best deal for Black Friday, you don’t even need to leave your couch for this purchase.

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    There’s just something about shrimp scampi that causes oohs and ahhs to break out around the table. Perhaps it’s the combination of tender shrimp bathed in a buttery white wine sauce, or maybe it’s the way everything gets swirled together with a hearty dash of pepper and fresh torn parsley.

    For the knowing cook, this is one of the fastest dishes you can make on a weeknight — especially when everything (from the protein to the pasta) comes together in one pot. So invite your friends over tonight and tell them you’re cooking up something fancy.

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    Margaret Richtie takes the time to interview her 100-year-old grandmother about her solid tips of working her way around the kitchen. Margaret recalls their conversation.

    From as early as I can remember, my grandma was the only real cook in my family. We had 10 children in our family, so my mom gave up on cooking before I was born. The only real, balanced meal of the week was Sunday afternoon at Grandma’s. She was an extroverted pastor’s wife and would regularly invite half the congregation over after church. Large numbers didn’t stress her out and I remember thinking it was the most delicious food I’d ever tasted. Her favorite dishes were broccoli-chicken casserole and almond-crusted chicken; always cooked to perfection, with Jell-O for dessert. They were old-fashioned recipes, but they were also the definition of comfort food. We always got to help (and “taste test”) her food when she was in the kitchen.

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    Don’t default to the standard gift-card-to-a-local-coffee-shop holiday present. You can put a little more thought into a gift for your coffee-obsessed friend. But not too much thought — because we’ve already done most of the work for you.

    Check out these coffee-centric gifts, which are sure to perk up even the most caffeine-deprived.

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    (Image credit: Jenny Komenda)

    From Apartment Therapy → A Fresh Paint Color We Love For The Kitchen (So, NO, It’s Not White, Blue or Black)

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