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There are stories of wise, mystic women stirring cauldrons to create potions and seek divinations. I get that. My cauldron, which is actually a big ol’ Le Creuset pot, is where I stir up a mess of greens with equal parts mastery and beginner’s mind. And then I get to eat them. Truth.
It’s inaccurate to say that all of my kitchen wisdom came from greens, but no other single ingredient has taught me more about how to approach fresh produce, which is my favorite thing to cook in this world.
(Image credit: Ashley Poskin)
From Apartment Therapy → How To (Steam!) Clean a Microwave Quickly & Easily
(Image credit: The Rabbit Hole/Shutterstock)
People always talk about what to do to get a good night’s sleep and how to have a good morning. But what about the nighttime leading up to those things? You know, those few hours we all have between getting off work and going to bed. Here are the best things you can do for a good night.
The fried, caramelized, cinnamon-sugar goodness that is a churro is so easy to fall for. Really, what’s not to like? Even the act of getting your fingers sticky with the sweet and spicy coating is enjoyable. Toss Chex Mix with caramel sauce and plenty of cinnamon-sugar and you’ll have an experience just as satisfying and tasty.
Snow is piling up outside your window and you’re stuck at home for the foreseeable future. Sure, you can tackle some chores, but after you’ve organized your kitchen, cooked your heart out, and watched a handful of movies and TV shows, you might be ready for another kind of stimulation.
May we suggest diving into some podcasts? Not only are they free to listen to, but they can also be downloaded or streamed instantly. (Who are we kidding? You know what a podcast is!)
Whether you’re looking for something to enlighten you, amuse you, make you emotional, or just make you think, we’ve got the perfect podcast to suggest. So put on a pot of tea, snuggle under your favorite blanket, and fill up your queue with some of the most innovative podcasts available.
When you think of some of the staples of Southern cuisine, collard greens are easily one of the first things that comes to mind. Deeply colored, slow-cooked collards are hard to resist, especially when they come in their most traditional form: braised alongside bits of porky goodness.
But collards are just one of many sturdy greens that are used in Southern cooking, all of which take well to similar cooking methods. Once you’re familiar with cooking collards, you can start having fun experimenting with the wide world of Southern greens.
(Image credit: The Salt)
You might think that the only way to cut a bagel is down the middle, but mathematicians have a different idea of how it should be done. If you want to get the optimal cream cheese-to-bagel ratio, apparently the Mobius strip method is the best way to get the job done. At a basic non-scientific level, this method essentially cuts the bagel in a spiral-like way.