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Who: Cassandra Gates, owner of bone-broth company Broth Baby
Where: Oakland, California

Cassandra Gates is the owner of Broth Baby, an Oakland-based bone broth company that serves the greater Bay Area. Inspired by her studies in holistic nutrition at Bauman College, she decided to create a bone broth that is full of good-for-you ingredients, but also really tasty.

To her organic chicken bone-based stock, she adds vegetables, shallots, garlic, and bay leaves, plus kombu and sea salt for a nice dose of umami. The result is a super-flavorful broth that’s great for sipping or cooking with.


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If constant, uncontrolled thought is the problem, you aren’t going to fix it with more thoughts.

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On its own, dip is a pretty straightforward, no-frills appetizer. But add some roasted garlic and marinated artichokes and you’re on your way to a two-ingredient upgrade that will make any party dip feel ultra-fancy and flavorful.


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You’re geared up to make a gooey chocolate bread pudding or flourless chocolate cake and the recipe calls for you to sift your cocoa powder as you add it to the other ingredients. Raise your hand if you usually skip this step. (My hand is up!) Sometimes you really don’t want to dirty another tool in your kitchen and really don’t want to waste an extra minute getting to the finished product, but this is one step you’re better off not skipping if you want the best results. Here’s why.


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This month we partnered with the Astrotwins to reveal the ways your zodiac sign informs your chocolate preferences. According to the Astrotwins, “Each zodiac sign has a distinct set of personality traits — and believe it or not, there’s a chocolate recipe out there to match every horoscope sign.”

You’re as classic as they come, Capricorn. You value the essential, simple things in life and live happily with understated elegance.

That means you’re a purist when it comes to chocolate treats. You crave nothing more than something as timeless as a great chocolate chip cookie when your sweet tooth kicks in. Stick to the classics and you’ll never go wrong. Here are five chocolate treats that celebrate the traditionalist in you.


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We don’t know a ton about sports here (we at least know that they’re called uniforms and not outfits!) but we know plenty about food. And that includes appetizers. When it comes to a great party for the big game, a table filled with mouth-watering apps that are easy to snack on between drives is your best play. Take a quick timeout to scroll through these winning 17 recipes that’ll be VIP in your Super Bowl game-day spread.


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You know that fancy chocolate bar stashed in the back of your pantry that’s reserved for satisfying your sweet tooth with a late-night square? You don’t have to hide it away and only enjoy it a few pieces at a time. There are a few baking recipes where a beautiful bar of chocolate can elevate an everyday treat to a fancy dinner party dessert, and other baking recipes where the subtle flavors of that fancy bar won’t be masked by butter and sugar. Here are five recipes to try when you want to bring your fancy chocolate stash out to shine.


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Even if you think they’re fussy or too much work, we’ve got some good reasons why you should own (and use!) cloth napkins.


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Inspired by a classic diner cheeseburger with a thick layer of gooey, melted American cheese and slices of sweet and tangy dill pickle, this dip channels those toppings for an easy yet irresistible appetizer.


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