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Name just about any subculture, fandom, hobby, or niche obsession, and there’s likely a space for talking about it on Reddit. The massive online discussion site currently hosts over one million discussion communities (known as subreddits), focused on just about every subject matter or interest you could imagine. The topic of food alone encompasses subreddits one might expect (think: budget eating, beginner cooking tips, and grilling), along with many more you probably wouldn’t (like spaces for passionate fast food debate, shower beer appreciation, and “avocados gone wild,” to name a few). While Reddit’s “bro-cooking community” has gotten a bad rap for gross, bachelor-worthy food hacks, plenty of healthy discussion about healthier eating does exist — you just have to know where to find it.
I first stumbled into the world of food, fitness, and healthy eating on Reddit a few years ago, when I started a regular exercise regimen and felt compelled to learn everything I possibly could. As someone who regularly downs beer with my pizza and would possibly die defending my love for a sack-full of soggy steamed Krystal burgers, I’m certainly nowhere close to a nutrition expert — but a few years of perusing the collective encyclopedic knowledge shared in some of Reddit’s health-focused communities has armed me with plenty of recipe ideas, a new understanding of macros and portioning, and a newfound love for canned tuna packed in olive oil. Here are some of the tips, tricks, and acronyms I’ve soaked up along the way.