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If there’s anyone who knows about making pizza at home, it’s Giada. Which is why she’s the first to admit that it’s not always a super-fast answer to getting dinner on the table. But she has a smart tip that’ll change that.


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Of all the comfort foods that exist in this world, it’s hard to beat macaroni and cheese. What’s not to love about noodles bathed in a rich, creamy, cheese sauce? And yet gummy versions or dry, chalky versions are out there, and I firmly believe life is too short to endure them. There are a handful of secrets to avoid these travesties, leaving you to enjoy all the decadent goodness you so desire. Here are five things to always remember when you make mac and cheese.


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Winter is barreling towards us, and for a lot of us that means we’ll soon be able to draw on the ever-convenient excuse of “It’s too cold to go anywhere.”

Weekend mornings that were once spent going for a run in the park or checking things off your always-long to-do list can now be spent indoors in cozy pajamas. You can have long, luxurious breakfasts with your loved ones, safe in the assurance that you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep. Thanks, winter!


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Paper lunch bags with red apple on school deskMost kids go to school about 180 days each year, which means you’re packing 180 lunches—or more, if you have multiple children. It’s natural about this time of year for old routines to get stale—for parents and kids.

Luckily, there are plenty of healthy and delicious Primal lunch choices for kids. Here you’ll find inspiration and a few helpful tips that will make packing kids’ lunches an easy task instead of a dreaded chore.

Leftovers Make Life Easier

Protein that can be eaten without utensils is perfect for school lunches, so make a double (or triple) batch for dinner and pack leftovers for lunch. Think chicken thighs and drumsticks, meatballs, skewers, meatloaf and sliced steak.

Maintain a Running List

It’s amazing how easy it is to blank out each week when it’s time to write a shopping list for school lunches. Here’s a simple trick: Make a list of lunches that you know your kids will eat and keep the list on your refrigerator at all times. Simply refer to your lunch list each week for lunch planning (instead of getting overwhelmed on Pinterest).

Keep the Sides Simple

If you have time to bake or cook homemade snacks, great! But there’s no reason to feel guilty if you don’t. Simple, whole foods are the healthiest and easiest option for school lunches. Fresh fruit, raw veggies, nuts, beef jerky, olives, cheese, and plain whole milk yogurt are all delicious options you can stock up on each week. For variety, include dip for fruit (like coconut butter) and/or dip for veggies (Primal Kitchen Mayo and Salad Dressings, pesto, tapenade, guacamole).

7 Lunch Box Menus

Primal Aviary

1. Chicken drumsticks + Primal Kitchen Ranch Dressing for Dipping + Cherry Tomatoes + Olives + Carrot Sticks + Green Beans

Variations: Chicken thighs instead of drumsticks


Primal Aviary

2. Meatball + Cherry Tomato Skewers + Blueberries + Green Beans + Carrot Sticks

Variations: Add small mozzarella balls the skewers and pesto for dipping.

Tip: Make a few dozen meatballs and keep them in the freezer. To defrost, move meatballs into the refrigerator the night before.


Primal Aviary

3. Seaweed Snacks + Smoked Salmon/Lox + Avocado + Cucumber

Kids can assemble their own sushi wraps as they eat lunch!

Tip: To keep avocados green, drizzle a tiny bit of lemon or lime juice on top, and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Pack a fork or spoon for kids to scoop out the avocado.


Primal Aviary

4. High-Quality Chicken/Turkey Deli Meat (or homemade deli meat ) Wrapped around Bacon, Lettuce, & Primal Kitchen Mayo + Hard-Boiled Egg + Olives + Fresh Berries with Coconut Butter 

Primal Aviary

5. Primal Pancake Sandwiches Filled with Nut Butter or Sunflower Seed Butter + Fresh Fruit + Beef Jerky


Primal Aviary

6. Salami Chips + Guacamole + Sliced Cucumber + Primal Cornbread 

Tip: Make salami chips by baking salami or pepperoni at 375º F for 8-10 minutes until crisp. Store overnight in an airtight container. Also, here’s how to keep guacamole green.

Variation: Pack bacon guacamole with cheddar chips.


Primal Aviary

7. Sliced Steak + Pesto + Mozzarella Cheese Sticks + Dark Chocolate + Nuts

Tip: Make steak the night before and pack leftovers for lunch.

Variation: Thread steak onto skewers with roasted vegetables, pack guacamole instead of pesto.

How do these lunches compare with your current routine? Ideas to add—for kids’ (or adults’!) lunch options? Share your favorite suggestions below, and thanks for reading, everyone. 

The post Brown Bag Redo—Kids’ Edition appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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We all have our favorite grocery stores. They might be the ones closest to our house, or with the lowest prices, the best selections, or the highest-quality groceries. Every store has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Whole Foods is perhaps best known for its huge selection and high-quality produce, but it also has a reputation for being very expensive, compared with other grocery stores.

So I wanted to know: Would it be possible to shop for an entire Thanksgiving dinner at Whole Foods without spending a million dollars? To find out, I went to a Whole Foods in Chicago on a Saturday afternoon and priced out all the ingredients necessary to make a complete Thanksgiving dinner.


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My daughter is mad at me again. The ground beef I’ve cooked is too spicy for her, and what on earth are the green things in it? I tell her that’s cilantro and I only put a pinch of red chili powder. She’s not pacified; she’d rather have chicken nuggets or a grilled cheese sandwich. Anything but Pakistani food.

“Too bad,” I tell her, echoing my own mother from 30-some years ago. “This is what you’re eating tonight.”


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If I could change one thing about the grocery store experience, I’d eliminate those tiny carts for kids. Not that anyone asked me, but they’re a menace. Much like full-size carts, they block entire aisles, their wheels stick, or they just get too full. These things are frustrating to an adult, so why do we expect children to be calm in the face of such adversity?

Grocery shopping with small children can be tough, but it has to be done. I don’t expect anyone to get a sitter just to pop out to the store, and I’m nothing but thankful that my children are older now and handle themselves in the grocery store like adults. Parents with young kids: My heart goes out to you and I’m on your side, but those little carts cause more problems than they solve.


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Originally Posted At:

If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted.

Day 229 of 360

Deadlift: 3 x 5 @ 85% of 2RM
1 x 10 @ 75% (use double overhand grip)


Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “1 x 10″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight.




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Reminder: Daylight Saving Time ends on November 5. While it’s a bummer that it will be getting darker earlier, setting the clocks back this weekend also means that most of us will get one free hour to use however we see fit. We suggest penciling in a few of these five very satisfying little tasks — and then getting a full night’s sleep.


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Have you noticed the non-recipe “recipe” on Instagram? You know, where someone snaps a picture of a beautiful or delicious-looking dish they’ve just made and then gives a rough outline of how they did it in the comments? Admittedly, the Instagram mini-recipe is not for the new cook — rarely are amounts given and cooking instructions, if there are any, are minimal — but they offer the experienced cook a starting place, a source of inspiration.

And the truth is, many of us already cook this way, especially on weekdays when shopping for and cooking a long recipe isn’t in the cards. We assemble, we toss in a little of this or that, we riff on a favorite based on what’s in the fridge.


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