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Right now we’re in a sort of seasonal food purgatory — we’re so completely over winter and all its thick beef stews and heavy casseroles, but fresh spring produce hasn’t quite arrived in full yet. The result (for us, at least) is feeling stuck in a cooking rut, where nothing is really sparking any excitement.

But this Mexican one-pot shrimp and orzo with zucchini is here to change all that.


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The folks at Target have been pretty busy lately. In 2017, the store reintroduced Threshold (one of our favorite brands of all time!), launched an approachable modern line called Project 62, and teamed up with Chip and Joanna Gaines to give us fun farmhouse-y finds through Hearth & Hand with Magnolia. And now, just a few months into 2018, they’re launching Opalhouse.

What exactly is Opalhouse? Keep reading to get a preview of the new line and find why it’s going to make you want to redecorate your kitchen.


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I’ve had Passover fantasies.

In these fantasies I’m in my kitchen making homemade gefilte fish with fancy sustainable wild white fish and three different kinds of charoset (Ashkenazi, Yemenite, Venetian), many matzoh balls, brisket like my grandmother’s or maybe lamb shanks, homemade horseradish, a flourless chocolate cake with dark Scharffen Berger chocolate, a walnut cake, and my favorite macaroons from Alice Medrich.


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With kettlebell lifts make ambitious, progress-minded choices, adjust by round as needed, and remember that “locked-out” is not a relative position.

Day 333 Of 360

5 rounds of:


1 Kettlebell clean (From floor)
2 Kettlebell push press
3 Kettlebell front squat
:20 sec. rest
1 Kettlebell clean (From floor)
2 Kettlebell push press
3 Kettlebell front squat
(Up to) 1 minute rest


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Stop munching on that overpriced kale! Every few years, some new miracle superfood is marketed as a magical cure for every ailment under the sun. Whether it’s chia seeds or goji berries, there’s always some new fad coming down the pike. While most so-called superfoods are indeed perfectly healthy, the benefits can be exaggerated to […]

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Lupus is a shape-shifting disease that can masquerade as any number of maladies. It’s a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorder that can strike anyone, at any age, in entirely unpredictable ways. Although it is a hard condition to diagnose it is critical to catch it early. Therefore, being able to recognize the symptoms of lupus is […]

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We must work to get back to an even better place than where they were pre-injury—both mentally and physically.


If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, then there’s a whole lot of crazy going on out there in sport and the health and fitness industry. If we were to look at the progress of a lot of athletes and gym-goers we would see fast gains, injury, a big lay off, then rinse and repeat. 


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Indoor rowing is all the rage: rowing machines — also referred to as ergs — are making cameo appearances in commercials for all sorts of products, from fitness trackers to pharmaceuticals. Professional and Olympic athletes are touting rowing’s benefits for cross training and general fitness.

Meanwhile, rowing classes are popping up in gyms, boutique studios and CrossFit boxes everywhere. Options to do classes from home are growing as well.

Bottom line, indoor rowing is hot! Awesome — but how to jump on that bandwagon?

We hear from women all the time who want to try rowing in their workouts, but they don’t know where to begin. They’re not sure how to row properly, and they wonder what more they could do with it besides sitting down and pulling on the handle stroke after stroke.

Rowing Is For Every Body

In fact, the rowing machine is one of the most versatile pieces of cardio equipment you can find. A rowing workout can get your heart pounding and muscles burning, calm your mind and body as you relax into the rhythm of the stroke, or anything in between. Plus, it’s a low-impact activity that works virtually every muscle on every stroke!

Regardless of your age, fitness level, the intensity of workout you want, or your fitness goals, the rowing machine can help you get there.

Getting Started with Indoor Rowing Workouts

If you’re just getting started on the rowing machine, give yourself some time to get comfortable with the stroke.

The basic elements of rowing technique are pretty simple: just think legs–body–arms, arms–body–legs. Beyond that, we like to say that rowing is like golf: the relentless pursuit of the perfect stroke.

To get a feel for the technique, you can watch videos, join a class, or find a certified instructor in your area to give you a few lessons.

Please don’t skip this step. You wouldn’t perform other moves in the gym without learning how to do them first — rowing is no different. Like any other exercise, you’ll get more out of it, and get better results, if you learn how to do it properly.

Rowing Terms to Know

On-water rowing is a centuries-old sport that has its own terminology, and a lot of it has carried over to the indoor world. Here are some phrases you will come across often.

The “split per 500” or the time it takes you to row 500 meters. This will be displayed in a central location on your monitor. Your goal is to make the number smaller, which means you’re getting faster!

Strokes Per Minute (SPM), a.k.a. Stroke Rating (Rating)
The number of strokes you take in a minute. Remember, a high stroke rating does not necessarily equate to a faster split or overall time. The key is to generate as much power as you can on the drive, when you push off the foot stretchers, no matter how many strokes you take in a minute.

Damper Setting
The placement of the damper on the side of the fan on rowing machines with flywheels. We recommend a setting of 3-5, which is also where most competitive rowers have it. Setting the damper at 8-10 opens the flywheel for maximal airflow and thus resistance as you row. Very much like riding a bike on a hard gear, rowing will feel heavy at 10 and thus be hard to sustain over a long workout.

Paddle or Rest
In rowing you never completely stop until the workout or the race is over. When you see “rest” in a workout here that means you row easy, taking the pressure off, for the time or distance specified.

Equal Rest
Rest the same time or distance as the work interval.

A “piece” of a workout. For example in a workout that is 4 x 500 meters, each 500-meter effort is a piece.

Steady-State Rowing
Often found in longer workouts, this is rowing at about 60 to 70 percent of your max, where you can talk but it’s an effort. A pace that you feel you can hold for quite a while.

Power Strokes
Strokes done at a higher intensity, usually for a relatively short time, like 10 or 20 strokes.

How to Add Rowing to Your Workout

Despite its past as the lonely piece of equipment languishing in a corner of the gym floor, the rowing machine is one of the most versatile pieces of cardio equipment there is.

You can row:

  • At the beginning or end of your workout
  • As part of an interval workout where you use other equipment as well
  • For your entire workout

If you just want to dip your toe into indoor rowing, jump on the machine for your warm-up or cool-down. Since rowing is a total-body movement, it’s a great way to get ready for the sweat to come.

A great way to do a rowing warm-up is to use what’s called the “pick drill,” which picks apart the rowing stroke and allows you to practice its various elements, here demonstrated by my colleague and business partner Terry Smythe.

Try this rowing workout warm-up:

  • Work your way through the pick drill and slowly progress until you’re rowing at full slide.
  • Row at a steady pace for 6 to 15 minutes at 18 to 24 strokes per minute, gradually easing into sustained effort with a few bursts of 10 power strokes at 26 to 28 strokes per minute every two or three minutes.

Remember: Nobody wins the warm-up. Don’t look at it as a race or competition; do what feels good to you to get your body ready for your workout.

Bringing the Row Into the Workout

Once you’re confident with your rowing, it’s time to bring it onto the main stage — your workout.

One easy way to add rowing to any routine is to include a short rowing interval in whatever circuit you have planned for the day. Anywhere from one to five minutes, or 250 to 1000 meters of rowing at the beginning of a round will get your heart rate up and add a nice cardio boost.

Rowing for Intervals

Want to get more structured with your interval rowing workout? Here’s some of my favorites:

The 500s

Perform four to six rounds of the following circuit:

  • Row 500 meters at 24 to 28 SPM.
  • Perform 10 push-ups, sit-ups, squats or squat jumps after each 500-meter interval.

After the last 500-meter interval, just take all the intensity off and paddle (row easy) for three to five minutes until your heart rate comes down and you are comfortable to get off and stretch.

Try to hold your split (pace) steady for each 500-meter interval, or to make it harder try to beat your previous 500-meter time every round.

3-2-1 Row!

Row intervals of three, two, and one minute. In between each interval, perform:

  • 12 goblet squats
  • 12 dumbbell push presses (or thrusters)
  • 12 bodyweight sumo squats with a twist with arms extended
  • 12 sit-ups (or mountain climbers)

Rowing for Meters

If you want to keep it simple and still get a great workout that’s not boring, try one of these rowing-only workouts:

Meter Pyramid

Row the following intervals, adding the same amount paddle rest as you did work in between each interval:

  • One minute
  • Two minutes
  • Three minutes
  • Four minutes
  • Three minutes
  • Two minutes
  • One minute

So the first round would be a minute of rowing, a minute of rest, the second round is two minutes of rowing, two minutes of rest, and so on. Stay on the rower until you have completed the workout. If you need a drink, grab it during the rest intervals, not during the work.

Some rowing machines even have this workout in their pre-programmed routines so you can easily repeat it at a later date and test your progress.

Stroke Play

This is a great workout for when you’re learning to increase your effort level on the rowing machine.

Warm up, then set your monitor for 10 to 30 minutes. Row one minute with effort, at 24 to 28 strokes per minute, followed by one minute at an easy pace with no intensity, around 22 strokes per minute. Be sure to use the recovery to ease up, breathe and get water as needed.

Allow yourself to build your effort during the last 10 seconds of the rest interval so that you’re working for the entire minute of effort. That’s what we call this stroke play.

Play with different strokes per minute on the work interval to see where you feel best and are most productive. Remember that the rest interval is always about recovery and prep for the next round of work.

Row Down for Your Cool-Down

Just as it’s a good warm-up, the pick drill is always a good finish to a rowing workout as well.  The best time to work technique is when you’re tired, and the pick drill will both help you reinforce the muscle memory needed for correct technique, and allow you to bring your heart rate down.

Rowing easy for three to 10 minutes is a great way to ease out of a workout. Try closing your eyes while rowing, or taking your feet out of the foot straps to feel the fluidity of the stroke and correct any flaws you may have.

However you decide to row, have fun with it.

As we say in the sport, row on!

A message from GGS…

Understanding how to get more results in less time so you actually enjoy exercise and can have a life outside of the gym isn’t hard, you just have to understand the Blueprint and be willing to trust the process.

If you’d like to know:
  • How much you should exercise
  • What to do for exercise
  • How to put it all together into a plan that works for YOU

The good news? It’s simpler than you think!

Tell me how!

The post Ramp Up Your Workouts With Rowing appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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I am an unrepentant cheapskate, someone who is familiar with every Dollar Menu within a 10-mile radius and also someone whose friends have asked her to please stop using each Keurig K-Cup more than once. I recently ordered the sous-vide egg bites at Starbucks, and when my four-bite breakfast came out to five bucks with tax, I decided that I’d stick to scrambling more affordable eggs in my own kitchen.

So I’m not exactly the target market for a $250 egg spoon, is what I’m saying.


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Unless you have unlimited storage space, chances are many of your kitchen essentials are stored in a cabinet that, like the universe, leans towards entropy. There are plenty of companies and products dedicated to controlling that chaos, with varying levels of success.

The problem with many organizers, however, is that they don’t live up to the irregular nature of many of our personal collections. Baking sheets graduate in size, and once you start adding cutting boards and serving trays to the mix, many setups end up in a tumbling mess. That’s where YouCopia’s adjustable bakeware rack comes in.


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