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The most important choice is to find a stretch program that has a clear method, core principles, and certified fitness and wellness professionals.

You’ve been suffering from chronic aches and back pain so you go to the doctor to get it checked out. You may find out you have a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, bulging disc, scoliosis or muscle strain. You’re not interested in surgery because it’s just not that bad – yet!  


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Getting hurt sucks!

We exercise to lose weight, build muscle, and feel better about ourselves, right?

Well, it’s pretty tough to do any of those things lying on a couch with a pulled hamstring/groin/face.

Okay you can’t pull your face, but I’m trying to prove a point here so shut it. 

Every day I cringe as I watch people wander into a gym, immediately lie down on a bench, and start cranking out their workout with a heavyweight within seconds.

These are the people that end up hurting themselves and missing weeks/months due to ignorance/apathy.

Joke time: Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?

Don’t know, don’t care! ZING!

Luckily, you’re smarter than the average bear, which is why you’re reading Nerd Fitness.

Today, you’re gonna learn all about the importance of warming up BEFORE every workout. On top of that, I’ll even teach you HOW to warm up.

My guess is that you’re warming up because you want to make sure you don’t injure yourself while training.

In addition to warming-up, there’s another key component to injury prevention: doing the exercises correctly and having a good plan to follow!

If you’re not sure how to strength training yet, or you’re looking to start with bodyweight training and graduate to weight training, I’m here for ya!

We made this massive free guide that covers all of this in-depth so you have all the answers and confidence you need to get started.

Check out our free guide Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know when you sign up in the box below and join the Rebellion!

Why warm up?

Above all else, the most important thing you can do when working out is warming up properly.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Come on.  Surely it’s not the MOST important thing…”

To which I’d reply: “First, don’t call me Shirley.  Secondly, if you don’t have enough time to warm up, then you don’t have enough time to work out.”


So WHY is it so important? 

Think of your muscles like rubber bands.

If you spend all day sitting at a desk, hunched over a keyboard, those rubber bands have gone almost completely unused. Now, combine this lack of movement with some cold winter weather – your bands are now extra tight and constricted. Then, go to a gym and immediately start lifting heavy weights or sprinting really fast – those cold, unstretched rubber bands get pulled apart very quickly and will snap.


So, what about just regular, static stretching then? Unfortunately, just doing static stretching before a workout can overextend those muscles and actually rob them of the power and strength necessary for your actual workout.  #failagain

For that reason, dynamic warm-ups are the winner!

Think of it like a pregaming for your muscles – except replace “alcohol” with “awesome.”  By jumping around and getting your muscles loose, active, warm, and ready for action, you will keep yourself strong and injury free.

On top of that, doing a dynamic warm-up can help activate your central nervous system, priming your muscles for a great workout that produces your best effort.

Add “improved blood circulation” to the list of benefits of warming up, which will help you perform well in each exercise.

Need another reason? When your body is properly warmed up, your muscles and joints are ready for maximum flexibility, which means you can perform each exercise with PROPER form (like deep squats, for example) that maximize results and minimize the risk of injury.

So, whether you are running or strength training…a proper warm-up is probably the most important 5-10 minutes of your day. 

Still with me? 

Good. Let’s take you through my favorite warm up.

The Dynamic Warm Up

Now, this warmup video I have below is relatively advanced, so you might need to make adjustments to suit your level of fitness.

In fact, this particular warm-up might be more difficult than your actual workout, especially if you’re following something like The Beginner Bodyweight Workout.

THAT’S OKAY (I put a second example that’s easier below!)

Do what you can, adjust the exercises in this warm up so you can complete it, and go from there. See the next section for some suggestions on how to scale this warm-up to your level.

Here is this warm-up written out:

  • 2-3 minutes of jump rope (who cares if you mess up, push yourself!)
  • 50 jumping jacks (pull your shoulder blades back, extend arms and really focus on the movement)
  • 20 bodyweight squats
  • 5 lunges (each leg)
  • 10 hip extensions
  • 5 hip rotations each leg (like you’re stepping over a fence)
  • 10 forward leg swings (each leg)
  • 10 side leg swings (each leg)
  • 10-20 push-ups (scale based on your level of fitness)
  • 10 spider-man steps (each leg)

Yes, there is a lot of work put on your hips, butt, legs, and core. As nerds/desk jockeys, these tend to be the muscles that are the tighest and least active, and thus most susceptible to an injury.

If your arms and chest are particularly tight or sore, you can throw two more movements as well: 

  • Arm swings (holding your arms straight out to the side, and then swing them and cross them in front of your chest)
  • Shoulder rotations (holding your arms straight out to the side, and move your arms in a circular motion, making bigger circles each time)

When it comes time for your workout, if you are doing heavy strength training (with barbells or dumbbells), make sure you do some warm-up sets before jumping into the weight you’ll be training with for EACH EXERCISE. Always start with a set using just the bar to work on your form and get your body used to the movement.

Then, do a few sets of just a few reps with increasing weight (but won’t tire you out) and THEN start your workout.

The BEginner Warm Up: Variations

Here are some other options for warming up if the above seems too daunting:

The above video comes from Senior Female Coach Staci Ardison, whose success story is here (and she’s now a lead trainer in our NF Coaching Program)

Don’t overthink this: Your goal is to elevate your heart rate, put your muscles and joints through their range of motion to warm them up and make sure everything is functioning properly, and preparing your body to strength train!

So, marching in place while swinging your arms. High knees. Toe touches. Leg swings. Punches and kicks. Get your limbs moving!

This will get you prepped for a day of getting stronger.

If you read the above paragraph and thought “Yes I am doing strength training, please tell me more Steve! More!” Firstly, thanks for saying please – your mom taught you well. Next: we created a guide that answers all of the questions you might have about strength training, weight training, training in a gym, how much weight to lift, and how much to warm up with.

You’re a nice person, so I’ll send it to you fo free! Simply join our Rebellion by signing up in the box below and I’ll send you Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know so you can train worry free starting today!

To answer your first few questions…

What if I don’t have a jump rope? Suck it up and go buy one! They’re dirt cheap, and a helluva way to start off any warm-up. Yeah, you might have crappy coordination, and you could even end up with bruised shins (and a bruised ego) to start out. Stick with it, improve your coordination, and get your body primed in just a few minutes.

Steve, I can’t do jumping jacks/I live on the second floor. Now, if you happen to be pretty overweight or live on the upper floor of an apartment building, then jumping jacks might not be an option for you. That’s okay – the reason I love jumping jacks is that they work out all four of your limbs at once and get you bouncing around. So instead, channel your inner Chuck Norris and do punches and kicks with each leg. I don’t care if you can’t kick higher than your shins and your punch wouldn’t kill a fly…just get those limbs flailing and warmed up!

Um, your warm-up is tougher than my actual workout! The dynamic warm-up above is designed for people who are doing serious training. If you are doing heavy deadlifts and squats and overhead presses, a proper warm-up could keep you out of a career-ending injury. However, if you are just getting started with exercise and you’re only doing bodyweight exercises, obviously 20 real push-ups during your workout isn’t possible…

THAT’S OKAY. Think of the above as the warm-up you aspire to complete. In the meantime, do the best you can. Let’s say:

  • Jump rope for 30 seconds
  • 20 leg swings and arm circles
  • 10 squats
  • 5 lunges
  • 5 elevated push-ups or 5 wall push-ups

Follow the rest of the routine as planned if possible.

In this routine, your warm-up will act as part of your workout, as you’ll be doing the same functional movements. Do the BEST you can, keep track of your results for your warm up too, and improve with each workout.  With enough consistency and persistency (not a word, but rhymed better and sounded way better than persistence), you’ll be busting out the full warm-up routine before kicking ass at your actual workout!

Any more brain busters?

Hopefully, this is a post you bookmark, as it’s probably one of the more important ones I’ve ever written.

What other questions can I answer for you about warming up properly?

I’m here to help!

Also, if you made it this far, I have a hunch you’ll love our free, massive guide on all things strength: Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know. If you’re worried about any aspect of strength training, this guide will cover it and give you the confidence to get started:


PS: What should you do after your workout? Stretch!


All photo sources can be found right here.[1]

Footnotes    ( returns to text)

  1. Hook, Resolutions, HappytrooperSunday, Decathlon.
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Success stories will be back in their regular slot next Monday, but for today I want to issue an invitation.

Now that we’ve turned the corner on the first month of the year, I know some of you have already seen big success with Primal or Primal-keto living. And I’d love to share your stories—to help inspire others here and to offer the kind of varied and personal accounts that only reader experiences can. Will you join the hundreds of others who have helped along the way?

Over the years I’ve heard time and again about folks finally taking the plunge because of a story that touched them personally. Maybe they had the information, knew the Primal laws, had read the blog for weeks or months even, but another reader’s account of their journey brought it all home for them. The difficulties that person started with and the amazing transformation that resulted—this was a story they were somehow meant to read. It was what reached them—and put them on their own path to renewed health, more vitality, and a better life.

The fact is, when you share your own story, you never know who you’ll be helping. And that’s an awesome thing.

I’ll add that it doesn’t matter if you’ve reached your ultimate goals yet or are still on your way. If you’re feeling better, eating better, moving better, sleeping better and just living better, that’s what inspires people. I bet there are a whole lot of folks hesitating on the sidelines wondering if they can do this who would love to hear from someone who hasn’t necessarily reached their goal but is on their way—someone who’s a month or two in who can show them that the beginning isn’t as hard as they fear it will be. And that the benefits come sooner than they dare imagine.

Likewise, if you’re someone who went Primal years ago (and even submitted an earlier success story) but continue to live a better life than you dreamed because of the changes you made long ago—we want to hear how you’ve stayed the course, what adjustments you’ve found helpful, what long-term lessons have surfaced over the years. There’s nothing quite like a great update.

So, let me offer an incentive to kick us off…. 

The Giveaway

Anyone who sends me their success story along with photos will be entered to win a $200 gift certificate to Primal Kitchen®. That’s $200 of Primal bucks for all the Avocado Oil, Mayo, Condiments, Dressings, or Collagen you want—your choice.

Want to try our new BBQ or Steak Sauces? Check. How about a full collection of Collagen or Protein Bars? Check. Prefer to stock up on Primal Fuel? Whatever your favorites, you got ’em.

I’ll also choose two additional submissions for a Primal library collection with some of our most popular titles: The Primal Connection, Primal Cravings, Paleo Cooking Bootcamp For Busy People, The Paleo Primer, and Primal Blueprint: Healthy Sauces and Dressings.

Anyone who submits a story will receive a 20% discount they can apply to any purchase from either or

I’m sure many of you have thought about sending your story in but just haven’t gotten around to it. There is no better time than now.

Write it up and include a few photos—the more the merrier, the bigger the better (since it’s easier to format for the site that way). Including both pre-Primal and post-Primal pics is even better, but isn’t required.

Don’t worry if you’re not a chiseled Adonis. This isn’t a “who’s the most ripped” competition. No matter where you’re at in your transformation,  tell me what going Primal has done for you so far.

How To Do It

I’m looking for interesting and personal tales. Details about your health history, how you found MDA and the Primal Blueprint, what has worked and what hasn’t, what differences you’ve seen in how you look and feel, and anything else you think readers might be able to learn from and you’re open to sharing are welcome. It doesn’t have to be a 3000-word essay, but it’s hopefully more than a few paragraphs. Feel free to be creative with your story format, too. Still, remember, good stories usually have a beginning, a middle, and an end—and honesty is king.

Check out other Success Stories here for ideas on how to write your own story.

Email me your story along with pictures. Please use the subject heading “My Primal Story.” Otherwise, there’s a good chance we might miss your submission.


Anyone in the world can enter.

Additionally, everyone who has submitted a Success Story to Mark’s Daily Apple in the past is free to submit an updated story and new photos.

The Deadline:

Friday, March 8, 2019, midnight PST

How the Winner Will Be Determined:

My staff and I determine which stories and accompanying photos get published on MDA. The winners of the giveaway will be chosen at random from those that are submitted by the deadline.

Thanks, everybody. I’m excited to read what you send—and to share it with our MDA audience. Have a great weekend.


The post We Want To Share Your Stories (and a Giveaway!) appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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You have probably heard it said, “just one donut won’t kill me” or “everything in moderation.”  However, this lie has just been exposed by researchers who found that a 10% increase of ultra-processed foods in the diet can increase the risk of death by 14%. In a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, 445,551 […]

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Name: Sandra Flores Gheno
Age: 49
Location: Mexico City

What was your first thought when you learned about the Coaching & Training Women Academy and the Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification?
The first word that crossed my mind was Wow! I felt it was an opportunity to learn more and improve what I am already doing now. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the existence of an Academy specializing in training for women and even more a Certification in Pre & Postnatal fitness care.

I thought that if I got certified, I could provide a better service and also help future mothers to continue training in a safe way.

What do you do?
I have a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Sciences, I am a Pilates trainer, Yumeiho therapist, PNL2, OTC and I am currently doing the GGS-1 certification.

For the last 15 years I have been helping women over 40 years of age to create better posture habits that allow them to maintain a healthy back and spine, so they can perform and enjoy any preferred physical activity and share those moments with their loved ones.

What else do you do?
I love spending the weekends with my 10-year-old son, going to the movies or amusement parks. He’s a thrill-seeker and I’m his adventure partner! But, I also enjoy going to a small restaurant for breakfast or just go for a dessert!

I like to take pictures, traveling and listen to music from the 80’s.


Best compliment you’ve received lately:
“You were my motivation for having a blood test”.

I have a client who recently discovered that she has very severe anemia. For some time, she had been feeling weak, without energy and she attributed this to the excess of work.

In our last class before the holiday period, I mentioned to her that I would go for my annual blood test because I wanted to know how my year had ended and how the new one would begin. That way I would know what habits I should improve or keep. I told her that I personally thought it was good to have an annual check-up, but that it was also worth doing it twice a year. She gave me that compliment when we returned to classes in January.

Favorite way to treat yourself: 
I like to go shopping for new clothes or something nice for me.

Favorite quote:  

“There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, grow and above all live.” — 14th Dalai Lama

Three words that best describe you: 
Leadership. Integrity. Determination.

Favorite book:
It’s a bit difficult to decide which book is my favorite, but I recently read The Art of Happiness at Work, by the 14th Dalai Lama and liked it a lot.

What inspires and motivates you?  

I am inspired by successful and courageous women. Women who face their fears and move forward. Women who — instead of avoiding problems — seek solutions, alternatives and do not hesitate to ask for help from someone to solve what they need to solve.

Helping others motivates me. But learning how to help those who need the most, motivates me even more.

Describe a typical day in your life, from waking up to bedtime:
I get up at 6:15 a.m. Together with my husband and son, we have breakfast and get ready to leave at 7:15. My working schedule at my Pilates studio covers two shifts. Mornings from 7:30 a.m to 1:15 p.m. and afternoons from 5 p.m. to max 8:30 p.m.

At lunch time, between 1:30 p.m. and 4:45 p.m., I have enough time to return to my apartment, prepare food, and eat with my family. When I finish, I review homework with my son and prepare to go out for the afternoon sessions.

Before going to bed, I do a 15-minute exercise routine, take a shower and study between 40 and 60 minutes. Then, rest!

What event(s) or situation(s) in your life lead you to enroll in the CPPC?
Around 10 years ago, I had two clients who were in their 2nd trimester of pregnancy. I prepared a very basic Pilates program for them and they continued exercising till their delivery. However, in 2017, another client became pregnant and I realized I was out of practice. With authorization from her doctor, we started a routine of Pilates exercises.

Fortunately, I came across the Moms Gone Strong manual in April 2017 and I acquired it immediately. It worked great for us and even though my specialty is Pilates, the program that was described in the manual helped me a lot. When the CPPC was announced in September of that same year, I did not think twice.

I felt that I needed to do this certification to be able not only to provide a better service to my clients, but to feel confident about what I was doing and even more, why I was doing it.

How would you describe your pre- and postnatal knowledge before taking CPPC?
I had a very basic knowledge and I could say that, up to a certain point, it was incorrect.During my certification as a Pilates instructor, the subject of working with pregnant moms was not very well covered. The scope was limited to working with them only in the second trimester.

We were not advised to work with them during the first trimester because it was believed to be very dangerous, especially in the case of a first-time mother. It was also believed that exercising during the third trimester would be very uncomfortable for the mother and it was preferable to avoid it in order not to induce unwanted labor.

Mistake — I was wrong!

I realized that as long as I rely on a network of appropriate health care professionals, I can use the knowledge I acquired during my certification and my knowledge of my clients to help them feel physically well during pregnancy, and even enjoy it!

The best is that it does not end here. The postnatal period also requires attention and this area was completely new to me.

Why do you think learning the information that’s included in the CPPC is so important to your profession?
Because as a Pilates instructor, it puts me one step ahead. In addition, concepts such as pelvic floor and diastasis recti — common in Pilates terminology — are handled in much more detail and depth in the CPPC.

What’s been the best part about going through the CPPC?
Definitely the case studies! They helped visualize how I could improve to reach the same level of sensitivity to understand each of my clients.

Now that you’re an official Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach, what impact are you hoping to have?
I feel there is a lack of information out there and many moms do not know how to take care of themselves before, during and after their pregnancy.

I feel that the information shared with moms should not be limited towards child care, but also how to take care of themselves, how to identify certain signs that indicate something may not be right or normal either.

For example, it is very common for some doctors to say that it’s normal for women, during pregnancy and the postpartum period, to unconsciously produce small amounts of urine when they perform simple muscular efforts such as jumping, laughing, running, etc. and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Completely false! And yet there are many moms who do not know that they can strengthen their pelvic floor and continue to have a normal life!

What effect has your new Certification had on your business so far?
My clients look for me when they know they are pregnant or recommend me to their friends. I have a client who has been with me for one year already. She knew I was doing this certification. When she got pregnant in the middle of last year, she did not hesitate to tell me. She has a special condition because she has Lupus.

Fortunately, I felt very confident in what I had to do. There was communication with her doctors and her pregnancy went wonderfully! Her delivery went well, she has a beautiful baby and she feels incredibly good!

How has your thinking about pre- and postnatal care changed since completing the CPPC?
For me, the change was very significant. With each chapter I studied, I reflected on my own pregnancy and I learnt many things I did not know back then. I feel that my pregnancy could have been less fearful and the postpartum period easier if I’d known what I know now.

My way of thinking took a 180-degree turn. As a mom, you focus on caring for your child and you push yourself away. It seems that society agrees with that approach too. But it should not be like that.

As women we should love and take care of ourselves. We should convince ourselves that if we are well, our children and loved ones will also be OK.

What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about enrolling?
I think I would first ask “why not?”  If your goal is to:

  1. Have information based on science, not myths.
  2. Learn from professionals with experience in the subject.
  3. Have a support group who can direct you when you have doubts.
  4. Get learning materials of excellent quality and be able to study at your own pace, in a flexible program where you choose what days and how much time you can devote to study.
  5. Learn the true coaching skills that will allow you to give not only a professional service, but a “personal” one as well driven by ​the compassion to understand your clients.

Then don’t think twice: this is the way!

You can learn more about Sandra on her website and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The post Coaching & Training Women Academy Spotlight: Sandra Flores Gheno appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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By consistently facing physical resistance we gain confidence that permeates every other meaningful life endeavor.

Strength is the ability to overcome resistance and the capacity to endure external force. Life is a revolving door of resistance and pressure. Despite the delusions of a safe-space culture, this is inevitable and necessary. Fulfilled people find strength from the resistance. They adapt, grow, and are made into a greater version. Others feel victimized that the world didn’t acquiesce their narrow, ego-centric wants.

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In 2012, ABC News disclosed the details of how lean finely textured beef ( LFTB) from Beef Products Inc. (BPI) was made.The exposed processed involved collecting scraps and trimmings of meat found close to the cowhide (which has maximum exposure to feces), simmering it, separating tissue and fat in a centrifuge, and spraying the resulting […]

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“This is why we do this.”

When I heard Jennifer’s story, I knew I had to share it.

She’s a member of the Nerd Fitness community who for years struggled with things most of us can relate to:

  • Seeking comfort in sugary foods and alcohol.
  • A lack of energy and all around feeling of fatigue.
  • An eating disorder as a teenager that created an unhealthy relationship with food.
  • Not knowing her next step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Jennifer found herself stuck in this pattern until rock bottom presented itself: divorce.

When bad times strike, it becomes easy to slip further into bad habits and vices.

Jennifer knew this and realized she had to turn her life around.

Six months ago, she did just that.

Today, Jennifer loves strength training and is the strongest she’s ever been. She changed her views on food and nutrition and is no longer intimidated by the kitchen. Jennifer recently completed her first 8k, something she couldn’t have dreamed of doing before.

And oh, Jennifer just came back from an epic photography trip where her new found stamina and strength allowed her to hike mountains to capture some awesome shots:

That’s her!

I’m honored that Jennifer has been a member of our 1-on-1 Online Coaching program since August, and has used our guidance to level up her life!

While strength training and getting comfortable in the kitchen are important, the real success for Jennifer has been with her mindset. She knows she can’t change everything at once and is using one small change to spring into another change and then another, using each as a stepping stone to the next.

This new frame of mind is something we can all learn from.

It’s how Jennifer was able to transform so quickly and lose 20 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way. While it seems like changing everything at once is the quickest way to success, it’s often too stressful and thus abandoned.

However, if you do what Jennifer did, and start with one simple habit like a food journal – it can start improving other areas of your life too.

You don’t need to hear it from me though…

Let’s bring in Jennifer!


STEVE: Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me.

I’d love to hear from you about your past – can you describe a normal day for you before you joined NF Coaching?

JENNIFER: My day was pretty random, with no real set schedule. It would be hard for me to get up in the morning, and then I’d have an unhealthy breakfast – the American South is full of delicious things like biscuits and fried foods. Later in the day, I’d often find myself needing to take a long nap.

Looking back, I did not have any sort of set schedule and spent my days with a foggy brain and zero energy.

STEVE: I hear ya. A super carb heavy and sugary breakfast can send your blood sugar on a rollercoaster for the day. Sometimes a nap is the only way off of it.

What changed? What made you invest in yourself by joining Nerd Fitness Coaching last summer?

JENNIFER: I had a really horrific divorce and hit an all time low. I moved out of my home in Seattle, WA, back to my hometown in North Carolina. Sometimes you just have to escape your surroundings.

I found myself comforting with sugary foods and alcohol. You know, totally healthy antidepressants.

This really started to take a toll on my body.

I had a moment of clarity then, as I realized I just didn’t have enough knowledge or drive to make changes on my own. I’m a believer in the “spoon theory,” which is a metaphor you see around the internet, which helps explain the limited amount of energy we face.

Imagine having twelve spoons handed to you each morning. Every task or difficult scenario takes a spoon from you. Often at the end of the day, you have no more “spoons” to give.

I knew I’d be much more successful with a routine that didn’t require any “spoons” to get to the gym. Instead, I could just start with workouts from home.

It was right about then I decided to give the Nerd Fitness Coaching program a try. I decided I wanted to be told exactly what to do, which again would require less “spoons” from me.

STEVE: I love the analogy of “spoons!” We’ve talked here in the past that willpower can be a finite resource for many. By the end of the day, you really can just be drained. Our philosophy on the subject matches your thoughts on spoon theory. That’s why we always encourage people to design systems that have the least amount of friction and require the least amount of willpower, or “spoons.”

I’m glad you realized this and wanted to create a system where you could start working out from home. You can grow the practice into a gym routine (or not) later. The important thing is finding a system that allows you to start TODAY.

You’ve been with coach Evan now for six months. Can you talk to me a little bit about what he had you do?

JENNIFER: Evan started me out just counting calories, learning about the foods I ate, and getting used to comfortably logging my meals.

I had an eating disorder as a teenager. Hyper-focusing on everything I was eating and logging it all was really starting to trigger a lot of anxiety and bad memories in the beginning.

But I told Evan all of this at our first meeting and he has been very good about helping me completely turn my perspective around about tracking my meals. He told me not to have any judgment about what I was eating, and to view the practice as a scientist collecting data.

That perspective helped (Steve’s note: woo! Science rules!)

For exercise, Evan started me out just taking a walk every day, followed shortly by some basic bodyweight exercises. At first, these were really tough, because I was really out of shape to start. I’d end most sessions a sweaty exhausted mess on the floor.

Then Evan added in more dumbbell exercises (I have a small set at home and borrowed a bench from my family) and I instantly fell in love with those exercises! Evan made sure to add more of those into my routine as well.

STEVE: That’s great to hear Jennifer. It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of strength training.

What’s your routine like now? What else is Evan having you do?

JENNIFER: 5 months in, I’m even more of an avid walker. I walk daily, sometimes over 5 miles, or sometimes shorter if my walking buddies bail on me.

Total flakes (j/k, I love you guys).

I do strength training 3 days a week with a combination of bodyweight and dumbbell exercises.

We just introduced some yoga routines to both help with stress relief and to help with stretching and mobility. I have had some issues with cranky muscles and joints on occasion, which yoga is helping with.

The whole experience has been crazy to me.

I’ve gotten to the point where I enjoy some kind of physical activity every day of the week.  

And fell IN LOVE with lifting weights.

It is damn satisfying to see myself becoming a chick with “guns.”

At this point, I have bigger biceps than my father and brother, haha. I am loving every second of that. It feels so good to be strong and be able to handle things on my own.

As a female, that is even more important to me because society is pretty much built around telling us women that we can’t be strong enough and we cannot do things on our own. I am fed up with that cultural stereotype!

As an aside, prior to joining NF Coaching, I was greatly inspired by Staci’s story and transformation. I like to think I’m following in her footsteps.

STEVE: Yes! I love it. I think everyone should follow a strength training practice: man, woman, child, grandparent, self-aware robot… all of them! I’m really glad you found this new passion.

Also, I’m glad you found inspiration from Staci! Many a rebel around here have also changed their lives after reading about Staci.

You sent over some awesome pics of a recent trip in Scotland. Can you talk to me a little bit about that?

JENNIFER: It was my goal in 2018 to do a hiking trip in Scotland. With Evan’s help, I got enough strength and endurance to do exactly that!

I went on a photography workshop on the Isle of Skye and completed the most difficult hike I have ever done up to a rock structure called the Old Man of Storr. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. I couldn’t have done it without Evan’s help. So I am quite grateful.

I wanted to be able to do the mountain hikes with all my heavy camera gear on my back, without being assigned to the group of folks who couldn’t do as much. I knew I was in no shape to do it originally.

However, Evan and I created a plan, executed it, and boom! Up the mountain I went.

I can do so many cool things with my body that I wasn’t able to do 5 months ago! I power walked my first 8k about a month after starting with Evan. It was hard but I had built the endurance from walking every single day before it.

STEVE: I think it’s so great that you worked towards a goal and then hit it. I often encourage people to try and build up strength for an event. Something like a marathon, a ski trip, or in your case a photography workshop on the top of a mountain.

It gives you something to shoot for, something to motivate you to work out when it seems so much easier to skip it. I’m glad you created a goal for yourself, made a plan with your coach, and then nailed it!

Your physical appearance has changed. What else has changed about you?

JENNIFER: I’ve had vast improvements in my posture which I think in turn has improved my self-confidence.

There’s something about standing straight and tall with your shoulders back that makes you feel a bit like a badass. Someone who can conquer anything the day will throw at you.

I’ve also battled depression for most of my adult life. And while it by no means is cured, the severity of it has been lessened by the daily physical activity and improved nutrition.

All around, today I have the general ability to do more things because I have more energy and focus than I used to.

I still have days when I get overly stressed out and go a bit off the rails with my nutrition and make unhealthy choices. However, I appreciate Nerd Fitness for the “never twice in a row” mindset. It keeps me from feeling like an utter failure if I have a day with too much pizza or delicious cake or something. I just know the next day, it’s time for me to get back on track.

STEVE: That’s so cool! I’m happy “never twice in a row” resonated with you. I think it’s an important tool for preventing bad habits from developing. When people slip up (and we all slip up), it can become so easy to continue. Having a motto that stops this trend from continuing is a game-changer. I’m proud of you Jennifer.  

You mentioned a need to adjust your relationship with food. Can you talk to me a little bit about that? What’s your nutrition strategy like now?

JENNIFER: I’m proud to say I’ve changed my relationship with food. I’ve always used food as a comfort. Knowing this, I was really nervous about even just logging my food. Looking back though, it was such an important first step.

Tracking everything I was eating was eye-opening.

It helped me see what I was putting into my body, which gave me more confidence and determination in the kitchen. As of today, I’ve conquered cooking all kinds of foods, founds healthy recipes I enjoy, and am beginning to work on meal prep. Evan has a strategy for me to plan ahead on food preparation.

Healthy eating really has been a game changer. I am much more clear-headed today than I was six months ago, and I credit nutrition as a huge reason why.

I don’t really follow Paleo or anything like that.

Coach Evan has introduced me more into a “If It Fits Your Macros” style of eating. He really hammered in the thought that I had to eat protein with every meal.

I’ve also drastically reduced my sugar and alcohol consumption, although I’ll still indulge from time to time. Going back to “If It Fits Your Macros,” if I know I’m going to be eating dessert or having some drinks, I’ll plan for it and reduce my calories and carbs beforehand. Again though, I’m doing this less and less. I actually prefer healthier foods now, to be honest.

STEVE: That’s great to hear you say that. We here at Nerd Fitness continuously remind everyone that 80-90% of the weight loss comes down to nutrition. Not only that, but REAL food just makes you feel better. Which will give you more energy to workout. I’m glad that Evan has helped you see a plate of food differently.

What are you still working on? What new habits are you trying to develop?

JENNIFER: I am still establishing a fixed routine for sleeping and waking up, which is definitely something that has been a struggle to do. I have seen improvements though.

I’ve created a pretty solid breakfast routine, prioritizing protein. Oftentimes it’ll be cottage cheese, which I never realized I’d like!

I also have a glass of water upon waking up, which has been a good change.  

Earlier I mentioned I started doing yoga. I’m experimenting with doing it first thing in the morning.

My biggest challenge for creating a successful morning routine is going to bed on time. I would say this is still a work in progress. One habit at a time.

STEVE: Getting to bed on time can be such a critical step. I’ve struggled with being a “morning person” myself, but it really is worth pursuing the routine. Keep at it, Jennifer!

Do you have any words of advice for somebody who hasn’t invested in any program and can’t seem to make any progress?

JENNIFER: Don’t fall into the perfectionistic trap that I did and feel like you have to do ALL the things at once or you are a total failure. No human can dive into deep water before learning to swim.

Trying to do that is like taking a starter character in World of Warcraft and heading straight to a high-level dungeon: you’ll get trampled.

If you cannot commit to a program or feel overwhelmed that’s completely okay. Start small. Pick a small change and stick to that and build onto that routine once you’ve gotten comfortable. This way you slowly mold yourself into the person you want to be.  

I loved RPGs and grew up during the NES and SNES era and building good habits and getting healthy feels exactly like those games in a way. You don’t start at level 99,999 doing max damage to everything. You level up from the beginning and gain spells and abilities along the way and your character slowly evolves into the one you want it to be.

I think the Nerd Fitness “Level Up Your Life” motto is incredibly accurate.

Great change is made by accomplishing many smaller changes. And you’re so much less likely to become discouraged and just rage-quit if you go about change this way.

STEVE: That’s amazing Jennifer. You nailed the whole philosophy on “Level Up Your Life.” Start small, and before you know it you’re a top-level mage slaying dragons with ice spells. Or in your case, climbing up mountains.

Alright, one last question: you’ve already used some of our language, but what makes you a nerd?

JENNIFER: I consider myself a multi-dimensional nerd! If that’s not a phrase I am deeming it thus. I’ve loved video games since I was very small. Loved all the NES and Mario games, as well as the Zelda series and RPGs like Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy series.

I’ve played World of Warcraft with an awesome guild of all women for over 10 years.

Shout out to Daughters of the Alliance!

Comics are also a love. My absolute favorite is Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, and pretty much anything else he or David Mack have been involved in. I pretty much love all things nerdy.

STEVE: I do love me some Neil Gaiman too – I actually have Vol 1 of Sandman sitting on my coffee table! Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Jennifer! All the best!


In speaking with Jennifer, I realized she had a few great traits which helped her succeed.

Lots of people embark on a fitness journey. Unfortunately, many of them are exactly where they started six months later.

Jennifer is different. In half a year, she’s changed her relationship with food, begun strength training, and has taken an epic trip.

After a rough patch, she used hitting rock bottom to turn her life around.

In speaking with her, and analyzing her choices and decisions, I think there are six traits that set Jennifer apart.

Here’s what we can learn from Jennifer’s success:


I love Jennifer’s “spoon” analogy. She knew she only had so much energy, only so much willpower, to get things done. So she sought a system that would require the least amount from her:

Instead of buying a gym membership she would never use, she started working out from her home.

Jennifer started with simple bodyweight exercises, a solid strategy to build momentum

Once she got a little more comfortable from working out at home, she starting using dumbbells and a bench press that she had access to. Again, all from home.

Working out and going to the gym are not tied together. If you have limited experience and/or motivation, start by doing simple bodyweight exercises at home. This is what Jennifer did!

Second, know that working out gives you more energy. Which can help give you more willpower. Which can help you embark on other habits like cooking or meal prep.

If you want to head to a gym for exercise, great! I do. However, if you have a hard time motivating yourself to leave the house, it doesn’t have to be the only option.

Starting small requires less willpower, which can help make your actions more likely to become routine.


Continuing on the theme of limited willpower, Jennifer knew she needed to do things differently. She saw herself with destructive habits that needed to be changed.

Doing it alone seemed impossible. It was hard enough for Jennifer to get out of bed and face the day. She knew that creating a plan and then sticking with it would require a lot of energy. Energy and willpower she was already having trouble coming up with.

So she asked for help. Jennifer wanted “Someone in MY corner to help cheer me on and guide me into a better way of living.” I’m proud that she reached out to us for that someone, and that she made a connection with her NF Coach, Evan.

It’s okay to ask for help! Knowing what to do, how to do it, and how to tell if it’s working requires a lot of energy. Some can do it alone. But many can’t. Asking for help, and then being willing to invest in that help can be a life-changing decision. Jennifer knew this and was willing to take the step to hire someone to create a plan and help her execute it.

I’ve had an online coach myself for 4 years and it has changed my life.


I love that Jennifer planned a photography workshop in Scotland that required some physical strength and endurance. Hiking up a mountain with camera equipment isn’t easy, and Jennifer knew she’d have to train if she was going to make it.

So she asked for help, developed a plan on how to do it, and followed the plan. And boom! She was able to hike up her equipment for her class.

Having a goal gave Jennifer her “Big Why.”

When Jennifer started logging her food, it gave her anxiety. When she first started working out, she would be exhausted. When her walking buddies bailed on her, she went anyway.

Jennifer did these things because she knew they were part of a plan to get her up the Old Man of Storr in Scotland. Without doing the work, she would never get to the top. She would have to be part of the group that stuck to the sidelines.

Having a goal can provide the “Big Why.” When things get tough (and they will get tough), knowing “why” you are working hard can make all the difference.

Perhaps you want to go skiing with your kids and don’t want to be exhausted halfway through. Maybe there’s a marathon your friends are doing, and you want to go with them. Perhaps it’s practicing pull-ups so you can go tag along with your spouse who loves rock climbing.

Having a “Big Why” can be the key to making or breaking a fitness journey. And what happens after you slay a dragon? You go find a bigger dragon!


Jennifer began with two small habits that most people can start today:

  • Jennifer started logging her food.
  • Jennifer started taking a daily walk.

We often advise people to pick a small habit they can imagine sticking with permanently. Once this becomes part of a normal routine, they can think about picking another.

This can be better than planning on “Going full Paleo, start rock climbing, and beginning a ballroom dancing practice.” If you don’t do any of these things currently, it could be very tough to start doing them all at once.

And we all know temporary changes produce temporary results. We want results that last!

That’s why Coach Evan had Jennifer start with small changes she could actually sustain.

For nutrition changes, Evan just had Jennifer track her food.

No judgment. No “eat this, not that.”

Just a log of everything she was consuming. Once Jennifer got comfortable doing this, and only once Jennifer became comfortable doing this, did Evan start to make recommendations for adjustments.

Jennifer also started small with exercises: just a walk.

Walking is a great start for a fitness journey (it’s also a great way to get to Mordor). It’ll get your heart rate up and your muscles moving, and it’s something you can do around your neighborhood. Even just a five-minute walk is a great start. Once you get in the habit of that, you can make take it to 10 minutes or even a full mile. If you start this way, eventually you can be like Jennifer and crush miles each and every day.

After you get in the habit of walking, you can switch to picking up some weights every other day. The habit of walking is easy to adapt to another exercise practice, like strength training.

“Instead of my 2pm walk, it’s now my 2pm bench press time.”

Be like Jennifer and start small. Once the habit is built, you can work to grow it from there.


It brought a smile to my face when I heard Jennifer say “never two in a row.”

It’s a great frame of mind to keep.

Things will come up. You will miss a workout. You will have some beers and eat pizza. You will sleep in and miss your walking groups AM meeting. Your kid will get sick.

When you miss these things consistently, you start creating bad habits. And what you do most of the time is how you create a healthy life.

Missing one workout is okay. Missing two is bad because then it’s really easy to miss three.

Eating pizza is fine. But “once and a while” can quickly become an “everyday” thing. Continue this for too long and then you’re just living off pizza!

“Never two in a row” provides a framework for making sure bad habits don’t develop:

  • “If I miss today’s workout, there is no way I’m missing tomorrow’s.”
  • “If I eat pizza tonight, it’s eggs and a little bit of fruit in the morning.”

Create a mindset of stopping these things before they get out of hand. Be like Jennifer and create a plan on what to do when you inevitable stray from the path.


Jennifer considers herself a work in progress. When you think about it, we’re all works in progress!  She knows this. But she is having fun now, which makes the days ahead seem sustainable.

We are not on a month-long journey. We are in this for the rest of our lives. To make sure we stick with it, we need to have fun! And as I say in this video: we stop thinking in terms of “weeks and months,” and instead start thinking in terms of “days and years”

Jennifer legitimately loves strength training. You can tell she’s looking forward to one day doing pull-ups.

Jennifer likes eating nutritious food and loves how much energy she derives from those meals.

My favorite part: she views where she’s at as an experiment. She highlights this when she talks about her morning routine and yoga. She’s still not sure how to get the AM just right and thinks a little yoga in the morning might help. She’ll try it to see if it works. If it doesn’t, she’ll try something else.


All of us will hit tough spots in life.

Maybe it’s losing a job. Perhaps it’s a sick family member. Or a child that’s struggling in school.

For Jennifer, it was a nasty divorce. At first, she coped in the ways many of us cope: food and alcohol.

Jennifer decided this couldn’t continue. So she sought help. And in six months time, Jennifer has leveled up her life. She can pursue her passion for photography and not be afraid of the literal mountain ahead. She knows the shot at the top of the climb, is not only worth it, but doable.

Where will you be six months from now?

It’s enough time to build some great healthy habits as Jennifer did. However, it’s also a short enough time which can fly by if you’re not looking.

If you’re standing in the same place you were six months ago, think about what you can learn from Jennifer:

  • Don’t rely on willpower, build systems. Take the path of least resistance. Instead of starting with an hour-long workout program at the gym, start with exercises you can do at home.
  • Ask for help. You are not the first person who has tried to get fit. It’s okay to reach out to those who’ve had success, or those who have helped others. You don’t have to do this alone.
  • Have a goal. A “Big Why” can be critical when things get tough. When everyone is ordering pizza, or the gym seems so far away, having a goal can help you remember why you are putting in all the work.
  • Start small. Don’t try and change every aspect of your life tomorrow. Some can handle this approach, but most can’t. Adopt one habit you can see yourself sticking with and grow it from there.
  • Plan for failure. Things will come up. Having a motto like “never two in a row” can help prevent one instance of a slip up into turning into a reoccurring habit.
  • Have fun. Getting fit is not a 30-day experiment. It really is about a lifestyle. Pick and choose things you have fun doing. This will help ensure your new habits are sustainable.

If you relate to Jennifer and find yourself in a tough spot, we can help you turn it around.

Depending on your current situation, our 1-on-1 NF Coaching Program might be just what you need. We help people everyday complete life overhauls.

If you’re trying to get in shape, searching for a new way of eating, or want help developing a strength training practice, we know exactly how to get you there. You can learn more by clicking on the big box below and scheduling a free call with our team!

The next six months will come and go no matter what you do today.

I’d love it if half a year from now, you tell me Jennifer’s story was something you related to. Which inspired you to make some changes.

You started walking every day. You began a food journal. You finally decided to ask for help.

As always, if you do need somewhere to go for help, you know Nerd Fitness will be here.

For the Rebellion!


PS: I want to give a special shout out to Jennifer’s Coach Evan, who has been the Dumbledore to her Hermione over these past 6 months. And I’m proud of Jennifer’s success and can’t wait to see what she does next.

If you are somebody that wants to have your own Yoda guiding you in the ways of the Force, check out or 1-on-1 coaching program, and I could be sharing YOUR story six months from now!

PPS: Speaking of success stories…If you’ve had success with any aspect of Nerd Fitness, whether it’s our free workouts, Academy, or Coaching, email us! Send your story to contact(at)NerdFitness(dot)com and let us know so we can share your adventure with the galaxy!

PPPS: We are very grateful to Guinevere’s Mirror, who provided some epic shots of Jennifer for this article.

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This post was originally published on this site

Research of the Week

Stimulating the vagus nerve helps PTSD.

Exercise has a stronger effect on cognitive function in older men than older women (who already had better function at baseline).

Estrogen controls type 2 diabetes.

Small teams of scientists disrupt ideas, larger teams develop ideas.

AIs are great at colluding.

If you have a family history of obesity, eat fish. Habitual intake of fatty fish limits genetically-associated weight gain.

Activated charcoal may protect your microbiome from antibiotics.

Mice who took nicotinamide riboside while nursing had smarter offspring.

To reduce liver fat, reduce ferritin. Neither red meat nor fiber have any effect.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 311: Drew Manning: Host Elle Russ chats with Drew Manning, best-selling author of Fit2Fat2Fit.

Episode 312: Keto: William Shewfelt: Power Ranger and Carnivore Shredder: Host Brad Kearns chats with William Shewfelt, who plays a Power Ranger on TV and a carnivore at meal-time.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Media, Schmedia

The FDA recommends approval of club drug ketamine for treating depression.

Are insects disappearing?

Interesting Blog Posts

Maybe insects aren’t quite disappearing.

The Israeli paradox.

Social Notes

I gave a talk on metabolic flexibility and the Keto Reset at Natural Grocers in Colorado late last year. Here’s the video.

I’ve been playing around on Twitter lately. It’s fun. Go follow me.

Everything Else

Exercise may not be the best way to lose weight in general, but it’s great against visceral fat.

Don’t lick your chickens, like the kid in the photo.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

I’d watch this episode of Scooby Doo: Where the man dressed as a spooky stick of butter says, “And I would have induced autophagy too if it weren’t for you meddling trans-fatty acids!”

I’m not surprised: R0undup linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

I am surprised: “This suggests that the majority of the lean mass lost with dieting may be the fat-free component of adipose tissue.”

Article I’m pondering: Should we play God, actually?

This is a powerful story: The first C-section.

Question I’m Asking

Read that Israeli Paradox post up above. What other paradoxes can you name?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Feb 10 – Feb 16)

Comment of the Week

“By the way, Mark, the title image for all of the Weekly Link Love posts kinda looks like you’re listening to some Fats Domino–in the middle of “doin’ the Twist!” Right?? ?

– Beatles’ “Twist and Shout,” actually!


The post Weekly Link Love—Edition 16 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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This post was originally published on this site

Originally Posted At:

Making a healthy family breakfast doesn’t have to be inconvenient.

Most grow up eating Pop Tarts or Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast. It isn’t until we leave home that we realize the insanity of having dessert for breakfast. Even those cereals billed as healthy, like Cheerios and Granola, tend to be less than ideal options. Immersed in the norms of our convenience food society, we have to rethink how we design breakfast.


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