The Prize:
I’m giving away another huge assortment today, starting with…
A Sous Vide Supreme – This is kind of a big deal. Sous Vide does to a steak what Barry White does to a love song. Today’s big ticket item is the Sous Vide Supreme, courtesy of Dr. Michael Eades. It’s a form of slow cooking using a vacuum sealing technique that keeps all the juices in the meat. But it’s so much more. It’s high culinary art captured in steel, praised by the NY Times, and used by top chef Richard Blais. Watch a few videos if you aren’t yet impressed. And for anyone still unsure of what’s going on inside that metal box, having one of these is like having a four-star chef sitting on your counter top. A tiny four star chef. Without the little mustache, puffy toque, or outrageous accent. Winner gets both the Sous Vide Supreme […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
Filed under: Fitness