The paleo diet has been picking up steam for years and catching on as an extremely popular diet choice. In fact, more than a diet choice – some proponents like Mark Sisson (full disclosure: he’s actually a member of this site), who coined the words “Grok On!”, would go as far as to call it a lifestyle.
Followers of the paleo diet tend to fall into two trains of thought:
1. The original followers, like the Swedish Staffan Lindeberg M.D. Phd, who wrote Food and Western Disease: Health and nutrition from an evolutionary perspective, claim that the paleolithic diet can prevent modern diseases. Robb Wolf, a very well known proponent of the paleolithic diet, would fall into this category.
2. The second group of followers say that the paleolithic diet can increase your day to day performance and lead to a healthier life – without making any blanket statements. This is the more mainstream approach of many […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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