Old is not any specific age, it’s a mindset, and an ability (or lack thereof) based on what your body will allow.
I’d like to see 2100.
I’ll be 123 when it happens.
This is not impossible.
But I do have to start logically thinking about the things I am doing right now.
For instance, I have to consider the absolute beating I put on my body in the name of building muscle and being healthy.
Exercise is an important of living a long and functional life, but exercise can also be a detriment if done too excessively, or with massive injury as a consequence.
(Yes Jack Lalanne lived well into his 90’s but then George Burns lived to 100. Anecdotes are fun like that)
So being able to be ‘healthy and active’ 8 decades from now is just another reason to take pause and evalute why you do what you currently do right now.
Are there distinct measureable […]
Original post by Brad Pilon
Filed under: Fitness