pstrongThe Prize:/strong/p
pHold your fist-pumps of glee until the end, because I#8217;m giving away an arsenal of equipment for this one#8230;/p
pimg class=”alignright” title=”Mace” src=”” alt=”Picture24″ width=”319″ height=”240″ //p
pstrongA Mace./strong From a title=”Stronger Grip” href=”” target=”_blank” Not sure how to use a mace? Check out the video on a title=”Short Mace” href=”” target=”_blank”this page/a. I#8217;m a big fan of incorporating maces into my workouts, and actually own a Stronger Grips mace. It#8217;s tough and durable, and you can add weight to the hollow, sealed globe at the end to suit your strength level. Check out a title=”Stronger Grip” href=”” target=”_blank” to view their wide selection of workout gear (including a title=”Sledgehammers” href=”” target=”_blank”sledgehammers/a and a title=”Indian Clubs” href=”–Clubs/” target=”_blank”clubs/a). And for those of you who aren#8217;t into winning or buying stuff, the owner of Stronger Grip also runs a blog for folks who like to lift heavy things: a title=”Stronger […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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