I took just a couple photos at Thanksgiving dinner last year in my tiny studio apartment, and you can see everything: the dinner table, the front door, my bed, three walls, my toaster oven (my only oven), my hot plate, and all eight of my guests, smiling and well-fed and a little inebriated. The entirety of my 195-square-foot home fits pretty neatly inside the frame (minus the bathroom, which is out in the hall across from my front door and approximately the size of the lavatory on your last flight in coach).
It’s not that I recommend hosting Thanksgiving in a space that’s reminiscent of the cabin scene in Night At the Opera. But if the size of your apartment is what’s stopping you from gathering your friends, cooking a big meal, and overindulging into the wee hours of the morning, I urge you to reconsider. A Thanksgiving feast in a tiny apartment can be successful if you are confident and unapologetic. And if you pull it off, it’ll be one for the books.
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