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There are few things in life as important as a good coffee carafe. Okay, maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but if coffee is as critical to your daily routine as it is to mine, I think you’ll get my point.

My husband and I have come to prefer drip coffee over trendier pour over or French press options. (I realize this will probably upset a lot of you; there’s just something I find so satisfying about making a big ol’ pot and listening to the machine do its thing.) We clearly aren’t coffee snobs, but there’s one thing we’ve come to learn and are very adamant about.

We insist on having a stainless steel carafe.

I don’t even really care how good the machine is or how easy it is to clean, as long as it has a stainless steel carafe. A glass one — with a heated plate — just doesn’t keep the coffee hot or fresh-tasting enough.

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