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(Image credit: Lauren Volo)

    Just one look at this cake leaves me grinning. Everything from the Wonka-esque candy topping to the rainbow of colorful cake layers makes me giddy. And to really gild the lily, the center of the cake is filled with sprinkles and even more candy, releasing an avalanche of joy when you cut into it.

    Maybe you’ve seen cakes like this on Pinterest, your favorite baker’s Instagram feed, or even IRL at your best friend’s house and thought to yourself, “That cake looks so fun and complicated; I could never make that.” I’m here to encourage you otherwise! You can totally make this knock-out, show-stopping surprise-inside rainbow layer cake from scratch.

    Yes, it will take some time and some planning, but we’ve got the step-by-step instructions to make this great-looking (and great-tasting) cake at home.


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