NOTE: Make sure to checkout the forum discussion on this developing series of articles called The Simple Guide to Getting into Shape.
In the last article, Introduction to Fitness, we talked a little about the history of fitness, the evolution of fitness, and why fitness is important. Now we’re going to discussing the basics of fitness and how to go about getting into shape. This article is going to focus on the importance of proper planning, knowing your goals, and executing a plan.
The Runner Analogy
A young guy named Jack was interested in training to run a marathon. The problem was that Jack had no idea what it took to train to run a marathon, so he just started doing things that he thought would get him “in shape”.
He did pullups, pushups, situps, and even started weight lifting. All of his friends had commented how much better he looked and […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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