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You’ve probably seen plenty of ads for the Yonanas machine. I know I have. And although this gleefully named gadget sounds a little bonkers, the promise of a machine that will turn almost-bad fruit into ice cream was too hard for me to ignore. My kids love fruit, but they also love variety, so it can be hard to finish up my weekly fruit purchase before it starts to go bad. (Especially when I shop at Costco — using up all that fruit can prove to be very hard!)

So getting a Yonanas machine seemed like a no-brainer. Here’s the premise: You take your fruit that’s just about to go bad, and freeze it. Obviously, as the cheeky name implies, bananas are the starter fruit here, and the company is very specific about saying that the bananas should be frozen when they’re quite ripe (aka cheetah-spotted, as they say). When you’re ready to make your fruit ice cream, you pull out your frozen fruit, let it soften for a few minutes, then run it through the Yonanas machine. It churns the mostly frozen fruit into the consistency of ice cream, which your family will gobble up!


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Filed under: Fitness